Shamanic Healing

Traditional Healing Ceremonies and Sacred Shamanic Teachings

Shamanic Healing is based on traditional healing techniques used by ancient civilisations across the globe which we believe may have originated over 50,000 years ago and are still practised today in many native cultures as their primary source of medicine and wisdom.

Sorrell infuses her scientific knowledge of the mind/body gathered whilst studying for a BSc(Hons) in Herbal Medicine within a scientific context and teaching at Universities, with over 30 years of esoteric wisdom gathered in training from shamanic teachers.

By weaving together the crafts of shamans from across the globe, and making sense of it within her western scientific mind, Sorrell is able to create a unique shamanic healing experience for you as an individual or co-create a ceremony with you for your tribe. In the long list that follows is an expression of some of the many ceremonies Sorrell is trained to perform, but please note this is not exclusive, please get in touch to discuss your requirements as however big or small, we have healing, awakening and empowering ceremonies for all.

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is a way of remembering who we are, and reconnecting to lost parts of ourselves. Rediscovering our innate gifts, our personal power and becoming whole again.

In life, traumatic events can cause parts of our soul, and our energy body to split off, but they still exist in the spirit realms. These may be physical traumas, such as taking drugs or alcohol. Or emotional traumas where a part of our heart feels broken when someone we love dies or leaves us.

Sorrell can journey into the spirit realm and recover these soul parts for you. Or Sorrell can guide you on a Shamanic Journey to retrieve these soul parts yourself and teach you how to re-integrate them successfully. ​

Investment 90 minutes – £112

Shamanic Journeying

The art of journeying into the spirit realm, is easier than you may think!

When we go into a trance state, hypnosis, meditation or shamanic journeying – we can open our brains to become more ‘awake’. By tuning out more from our left brain hemisphere – which provides us a constant and convincing dialogue about who, where and what we are, and tuning more into the right brain hemisphere – which has no boundaries and feels everything instinctively, we can begin to see in the shamanic way. ​

Sorrell assists you as you step into your shamanic journey and guides you when needed to discover your spirit guides and power animals for our healing. ​

Investment 90 minutes –£112

Hollow Bone Healing

Sorrell is a pure channel for spiritual healing energy, she lives a spiritual life, which involves daily meditation, energy cleansing rituals and a pure diet, to be the purest channel possible.

​She has been initiated in Reiki 1 & 2, Seichem, the Sophia codes as well as the Munay-Ki, a series of nine Empowerment rites based on the initiatory practices of the Q’ero shamans of Peru.

​She offers herself as a channel for your healing and connects to the source of all that is to bring through a flow of love and light to assist the healing of your energy body. She is also able to work remotely – sending energy through the matrix to you using secret shamanic techniques she has been initiated in. ​

Investment 90 minutes – £112

Fire Ceremony

Fire ceremony is a powerful way to release anything which you are ready, but perhaps struggling to let go of. Sorrell and Grandfather Fire assist you in the process of letting go, in sacred ceremony, to release energies, resentments, addictions, pain, victim consciousness – the list is endless – what or whom do you need to release to feel free?

Fire ceremony may also be used to nourish your Munay Ki Rite seeds. Fire ceremony is integrated into each of the initiations for this purpose, and a separate ceremony can be held following a rite to continue to nourish the seeds as they come to life within your energy body.

Let Sorrell hold you in sacred space, and guide you through this ancient ceremony to allow Grandfather fire to work their magic! ​

Investment 90 minutes – £112

Rebirthing Ceremony

During our lifetime we inevitably all experience traumas. It can feel hard to let go of the memories, and the feelings it created when it happened may continue as if stuck in the body. This can manifest as an underlying vibration of fear, anger or vulnerability, flashbacks to the experience that is long past in reality, yet the vibration of the trauma continues to flow in the cells of our body, altering our DNA, bringing out the dis-ease version of us unless we choose to process it.

I offer you this rebirthing ceremony as a way to heal from the past, we will exchange our trauma for bliss, our fear for trust, and our anger for love. We will do this practice within a shamanic journey to connect us to our personal source of awareness called our OVERSOUL. The oversoul is like our mothership for our consciousness, a higher self or a guardian spirit. We can return through the shamanic journey practice to our oversoul, this is the place where our conscious energy evolved from before we incarnated. We can give our traumatic experiences to our oversoul as information for transformation, once transformed for us, they come back to us as a gift, and we receive this gift as a new symbol representing our medicine. During this journey, we will also meet a power animal to assist our shamanic process.

For this ceremony, I often use my shamanic drum made with the spirit of Water Buffalo. She is called ‘Egon’ - which means strong with the sword. She helps to release us from the things which are holding us back, and the things that are enslaving us - and that might even be our own thoughts, feelings and behaviours!

We rebirth ourselves with the intention of releasing ourselves from all the trauma past and present, so that we may be happy and free to be the best version of ourselves, and live a genuine and authentic life from our hearts that is our very own. ​

Investment 90 minutes – £112

Epigenetic Healing - Discovering & Healing our Body's Stories

During this ceremony, we take some time to reflect on a problem you want to shift in your life, perhaps a long-term issue, one that has eluded you so far on your healing journey.

Sometimes these issues don't shift with conscious processes because they began before we were even born, they stem from a default setting that we inherit. Our family traits - particularly those you recognise in your family members, can be blessings or burdens.

We often say - I never want to become like my mother or father, yet we find ourselves saying things or doing the things they once said or did as we grow older.

This experience of repeating negative patterns or experiences that are so difficult to shift can be healed when we take ourselves deep into healing our epigenetic wounds which are held in our bodies as stories.

These stories are held in our body’s tissues and not just exclusively in our minds. Our DNA contains the information inside every cell. And as we tune into our bodies during this guided shamanic journey, we feel the stories they have to tell from this time and sometimes from our ancestors' lives too.

This healing experience may get emotional, but it will all be processed within the ceremony to heal the epigenetic wounds and ends with a feeling of a significant and satisfactory shift in our lives, seeing clearly how things are going to change for the better.

Investment 90 minutes –£112

Past Life Regression

Do you ever wonder who you were in a past life? In learning who we were in previous lives, we rediscover parts of ourselves that can support our life in this current stream of consciousness. And we can let go of the stories which no longer serve us.

Past life experiences often surprise the seeker. Ancient forgotten knowledge can be recalled and integrated into this lifetime. The past life or lives that arise during this deep guided trance work always bring the experiences we need at this moment. Sometimes we recognise how past traumas have affected our current life, maybe as a physical or mental health problem. Or perhaps in repeatedly manifesting the same bad relationships, with the same people you have soul contracts with from previous lives

Once you remember who and how you lived and integrate the teachings, life is never the same. You are able to break the contracts you may have had with others, sometimes during multiple lifetimes, that you are ready to release, and begin creating the life of your dreams rather than the life of your unconscious nightmares. You are stronger, wiser, and transformed in subtle (although sometimes it is immediately physically noticeable) and yet profound ways.

Investment 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes) – £125

Extraction Ceremony

Not all energies that we experience within us belong to us. Some of the energies held in our bodies, or in our life’s patterns come from other people, perhaps we have inherited them from our ancestors in the past, and it is helpful to extract these energies.

If a feeling, a thought, or energy is not comfortable, it does not belong to us. It is that simple. Just like food which is toxic, it may be deliciously addictive, or just unhealthy for us although it suits someone else ok. The body will do its best to eliminate these foods, but sometimes they get stuck and we can use some help to detoxify our system.

There are also psychic or energetic toxins that we need to clear from the body, these may not eliminate from the body spontaneously, and they can be unhealthy for us.

There are 2 main types of intrusive energies we need to be aware of.

The first type is emotional - feelings like anger or jealousy that have been directed towards you. These energies are more intrusive when they come from someone who has been close to us, as our luminous energy fields are not able to discern that these thoughts and feelings are from a foreign source. As we have connected in some way that allows their thoughts and feelings to get deeper into our own energy body, this is particularly obvious with family members and lovers. You may have experienced how your mother or your children are able to activate certain feelings within you - because energetically speaking - these people are literally a part of you. So when they are angry at you it really hurts. There are certain phrases we use in our common language like being stabbed in the back or heartbroken that describe these experiences. These negative/heavy intrusive emotional energies that are held in the body may even come from previous lifetimes, leaving a kind of signature, so the individual repeats certain patterns of behaviour or relationship dynamics that continue to harm.

The second type of intrusive energy we may come across is an Entity. These are more common than you may think. These are not demonic beings. These are most often our loved ones that have died but have become unconscious and are caught between the realms. They attach to us as we are familiar with them and they feel safe with us. They have come to us for help, and we can help them transcend across the veil into the spirit world again, where they can be at peace and revive the healing they need from this lifetime.

This can happen because a person is not fully conscious when they die. Perhaps they were heavily medicated when they died or died from a trauma that was such a shock they did not have enough conscious awareness to know what was happening. Also, people with strong religious beliefs, who believe when they die they will be judged and may go to hell, will cling on and choose not to take the step across the veil, unaware of the true beauty of passing into the dimension of pure love and light again. Or people who have unfinished business, perhaps they didn’t get to say goodbye to someone they loved, forgive someone, or finish a project they felt they were born to complete in one lifetime.

These spirits who are unable to transcend often attach to family members, or to empaths who have kind loving hearts, the sort of people you would naturally be attracted to at a time of need. These spirits can be carried from childhood, so a person becomes used to having them in their energy field. These spirits can change the way we feel, the way we perceive reality, and the way we behave, as we carry around other beings as heavy energy attachments.

These spirits may need our assistance, as a shamanic practitioner, with our increased awareness compared to the average unconscious person, we feel them, sometimes we see them, listen to them, speak with them and help them complete their journey which began when their body died, and ends as they cross the view into the spirit realm, to be at one with love and light again.

When a person who has died is attached to a human, they often attach to a physical part of the person. This can be an organ of the body, a muscle, or a joint. The organ or area of the body that has the attachment acts as if it has an energy parasite, and its function will be compromised, as the entity feeds from the life force of the person they are attached to. This may not be intentional in any way, so it is good to have compassion towards them. This could present as an addiction, a behaviour or a physical health problem. When we remove these entities we work through the energy system, the chakras and the meridians, as these are the pathways through which we can most easily remove the attachments to organs or the body’s tissues.

Investment 90 minutes – £112

Drum Healing

Sorrell has been a sacred healing drum practitioner for over 25 years. For each unique healing session, she chooses from a selection of shamanic drums she has birthed herself in the traditional way from Ethically sourced animal skins.

​The drum is considered the oldest musical instrument of all. We all have rhythms flowing within us, biological rhythms of our heartbeat, our mind flows in beta waves when conscious and alpha as we go into a healing trance state. The shamanic drum assists trance work, helping us meditate and find peace within, and also entrains our internal rhythms to the beat of the shamanic drum, creating harmonious and healing vibrations.

​The drum can be used as a diagnostic and healing tool to discover imbalances, move stagnant energy and restore us to wholeness.

Investment 60 minutes – £75

Womb Healing Ceremony

A Mayan Munay Ki Rite initiation practice that helps us to heal and transform our womb's energy body. The sacral chakra resides here and can store the heavy energies of shame, trauma (especial sexual trauma), fear, unhappy childhood memories and poverty consciousness. A blockage in this chakra can manifest as fertility problems, period pain, menopausal problems, sexuality or sensuality issues, or difficulty with the creative flow.

This ceremony can be beneficial for those struggling to manifest their desires, or those aware they have blockages preventing them from living a creative, sensual, happy, harmonious and healthy life.

The Womb is not a place to store fear or pain. The Womb is a place for creation and giving birth to life.

During this ceremony we cleanse the womb space/sacral chakra with a guided shamanic journey, assisted by my powerful healing gongs, to realign the womb space to its full potential as a powerful chakra for manifesting, we gift you the 13th Rite of the Munay Ki.

We perform this ceremony to cleanse, heal and awaken your womb space, to bring you home to your body, and feminine energy, reclaiming all you are!

Investment 90 minutes –£112

Sanaga Ceremony

Sananga ceremony is an Amazonian cleansing ritual involving cleansing the energy body using drops of an infusion in the eyes. It is made from a plant known as Sananga, a rainforest medicine used by the Yawanawá tribe.

 Our eyes are gateways to the world. Both in nature and in urban life, the accuracy of our vision strongly contributes to the success of the actions we undertake. The more clarity we have, the more aspects we can distinguish, and the more we enjoy the sensations that this connection allows us.

Not all of the active ingredients have been scientifically proven, but it is said to contain ibogaine, which is known to have neurological and psychological benefits. It also contains several alkaloids that can have strong psychoactive effects.

The Yawanawá tribe and other Amazonian tribes have long used the plant to increase their long-range vision and sharpen their senses before going out on a hunt. Sananga has been reported to help people with severe eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and even blindness. Sananga’s benefits include antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties.

A word of warning - this cleanse can be painful, although very beneficial, the pain (stinging like chilli in the eye) usually lasts for around 5 minutes, but I have seen people with eye issues who need a deep cleanse take as long as 40 minutes to relax into the experience.

Once you know how to work with this medicine, if you want to go deeper, it is possible for you to purchase some and take it home for continued personal use.

This ceremony can be done for individuals or groups. Sananga also works well with Cacao and other Shamanic Ceremonies as a part of a larger ritual which can be created for you as a unique experience.

1-2-1 ceremony 90 minutes – £115

groups - every extra person will take an extra 10 minutes to perform the ritual plus extra Sananga so we add £15 per person.

When used in conjunction with other shamanic ceremonies costs may vary.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and I will create the perfect ceremony for you and be able to quote you an exact amount depending on the number attending, the venue and the herbal elements we include.

Journey to your Death - Discovering Unsettlements

In many shamanic traditions, a near-death experience is an initiation required to step onto the shamanic path. Near-death experiences often bring great clarity, a sense of peace and trust, and new vigour to create the best life possible. But there is no need to almost die to experience near-death clarity and peace. We can achieve this using shamanic practices safely and support so you can receive the medicine without the necessity for sickness.

We can begin the essential task of healing our lives by journeying with our mind's eye in a deep trance state to the very end point of this life and moving beyond into the spirit realm for reflection. As we take a new perspective of our life, we learn what is truly important to us, what we regret not doing, what we wish to achieve and what unsettlements need attending to so we can live a full and happy life.

I act as your shamanic guide, supporting you with guided visualisations and using the shamanic drum to help you find your own visions of how to proceed on your life’s path. After our journey, we spend time integrating and making sense of the experience. If appropriate, make a very practical solutions-focused plan to help you heal any unsettlements that arise. ​ Investment

Past life experiences often surprise the seeker. Ancient forgotten knowledge can be recalled and integrated into this lifetime. The past life or lives that arise during this deep guided trance work always bring the experiences we need at this moment. Sometimes we recognise how past traumas have affected our current life, maybe as a physical or mental health problem. Or perhaps in repeatedly manifesting the same bad relationships, with the same people you have soul contracts with from previous lives

Once you remember who and how you lived and integrate the teachings, life is never the same. You are able to break the contracts you may have had with others, sometimes during multiple lifetimes, that you are ready to release, and begin creating the life of your dreams rather than the life of your unconscious nightmares. You are stronger, wiser, and transformed in subtle (although sometimes it is immediately physically noticeable) and yet profound ways.

Investment 90 minutes – £112

Gong Healing

Gong has the ability to vibrate us into blissful states of consciousness. Gong is a potent instrument for healing, and Sorrell considers them her ‘magic wand’. Sorrell works with a selection of Symphonic gongs and artisan gongs and recycled singing bowl shamanic gongs including:

Mercury –  the messenger to bring back messages from the spirit realms, and also aids communication in this dimension – releasing blockages in the throat chakra.

Sedna – a giant of a gong, she assists our path towards consciousness expansion, and helps us to step into our power – she will help you feel stronger and more beautiful than ever!

Neptune – holds the wisdom of the harmony that is possible on our planet and helps us to open our third eye to see more easily into the spirit realms.

Chiron - the wounded healer, he will reach deep into the energy body to the root of our deepest wounds for the purpose of deep healing and transformation.

Earth - a giant gong, with deep tones, opens the heart chakra and grounds heavy unhealthy energies, leaving us to feel lighter and freer.

Spirit - a Himalayan recycled singing bowl gong, and profoundly transformational. She eats up the old web of creation so we can spin a new one (also called spider gong!) We are the artists of our own lives, if we don't like what we have created, spirit gong can help you weave a new better tapestry for your life.

Saturn - an artisan gong, calling in the spirit of Saturn, the authoritarian father energy who teaches us how to have healthy boundaries. He can help us seal up a damaged aura where we feel we are overly empathic, overly sensitive or perhaps even psychically attacked.

Paiste Bronze  No. 8 - this gong helps us awaken our awareness of our potential, it is very encouraging, warming and confidence-boosting. A happy, 'you can do it' gong!

Each session is unique, weaving together the gongs and other shamanic instruments depending on your healing and consciousness expansion requirements.

Investment 60 minutes – £75

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao ceremony is an ancient practice in native cultures which have used the cacao bean as a way to access the spiritual realms whilst still in full connection with this reality.

Unlike Ayahuasca or magic mushrooms you do not lose consciousness of what is real – you simply discover you can see in a new way. With eyes closed, we can access connections inside our own minds (and also our connections into the spirit realm) that we have not been able to reach before.

Assisted by Sorrell and her drums or gongs we journey to seek healing and conscious expansion. To connect with our source of creativity, and realise our full potential.

For a more personalised experience, 1-2-1 ceremonies may serve you best. Group ceremonies are held in Margate and online on a regular basis. There is also the potential for us to create a more personal ceremony for your tribe.


1-2-1 ceremony 2 hours – £160

Couples ceremony 2 hours - £170

Group ceremonies 2.5 hours - please get in touch to co-create your ceremony, pricing will vary depending on venue and distance travelled. £170 for 3 plus £10 per person.

Group ceremonies open to the public are held in Margate. Please refer to our cacao ceremony page for details of dates and costs.

And also FREE ONLINE ceremonies open to all are held at the time of the new moon. Please refer to our cacao ceremony page for details of dates and costs.

Ayahuasca Microdosing Ceremony

Ayahuasca is a renowned healing herb from the Amazonian jungle, with a recorded history of use for over 1,000 years.

Traditionally in sacred ceremonies, it is used to cleanse, heal and awaken the human consciousness to states of divine bliss and clarity on our life’s path, to enhance consciousness in this pure form.

This pure vine extract is non-addictive and offers subtle transformations that take a little more time than a full-blown ceremony. Plus there is no need to engage in a dieta where your food is restricted to allow the ceremony to be effective, although a good diet and pure lifestyle will aid your spiritual awareness and is always advisable when on a spiritual path. It works gently, soothing the soul, and uplifting the spirit.

It is made in the traditional Shipibo way, taking the time to create sacred space for the spirit as well as the chemistry of the plant to enter the medicine, infused with 12 hours of prayers, sacred songs and blessings by an experienced plant spirit medicine woman.

Please note there is no DMT in this medicine and it is 100% legal in the Uk where we perform this micro-dosing ceremony. Once you have engaged in the experience, you may like to take home a micro-dosing bottle for personal use.

When we come together with Mama Ayahuasca, she will support your healing and visionary experiences during meditations. I like to offer her with Gong or Hollow Bone healing to enhance the experience. With eyes shut and tuning into a meditative state, it enhances the ability to daydream, accessing the third eye and our connection to spiritual states of bliss.

The first time I worked with formula I felt an immediate shift in consciousness – much calmer, a sense of relaxation spread through my physical body – similar to drinking a large dose of ceremonial cacao or having a massage. I closed my eyes and meditated and met the spirit of the plant – a huge green goddess towering high into the canopy of the rainforest. I felt like I was in the presence of a deeply wise and compassionate healing being. She spoke to me softly, she was pleased to see me. I cried for a good 10 minutes with tears of release, as grief and pain left my body I felt more energy, and more light enter the space. After 10 minutes I felt the colours were brighter, the world around me more vivid.

1-2-1 ceremony 90 minutes – £112

groups - every extra person will take an extra 10 minutes to perform the ritual plus extra Ayahuasca so we add £15 per person.

This herbal initiation is particularly wonderful blended with Cacao & Sananga. When used in conjunction with other shamanic ceremonies costs may vary. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and I will create the perfect ceremony for you and be able to quote you an exact amount depending on the number attending, the venue and the herbal elements we include.

Space Clearing Ceremony

Space clearing ceremonies often are called for when someone has moved home or are relocating their business premises, and as they move into their new space they become aware of energies which are not healthy for them. I am also often called in to assist with space clearing when there is building work happening either in or around the home which is disturbing the energy of the space.

Some people experience physical manifestations of disharmony, objects moving around the house, pictures falling off walls, and losing keys or other precious items.  Others may experience a new sense of anxiety or a sense of being watched.

Spiritual energy can become stuck as there is no time in the spirit realm they have no sense to move forward. And in the same way that we can extract an intrusive spiritual energy from a physical body during an extraction ceremony, we can extract the spiritual energies that are not welcome in your space and guide them to peace, and leave you in peace too!

Approximately 3 hours - £225, additional costs may be charged depending on the size of the property (3 hours is based on the average 3-4 bedroom house). Locally within 20 minutes drive, no travel costs. Additional travel costs may be charged to cover fuel etc.

Illumination ceremony

The illumination ceremony is a core shamanic healing practice, this ceremony helps us to eliminate the imprint of disease from the energy field. It clears the field and allows the process of healing to begin, so the energy field begins to create health instead of disease.

The energy field, often called the luminous energy field, is a matrix that holds the imprints of the information that we inherited from our ancestors. This information includes stories about how we will live, how we will age, how we will suffer and how we will die.

By clearing the ancestral imprints within the field, we can create our own original life stories. By performing this ceremony we are removing and detoxifying the energy field and replacing it with light energy, a blank canvas for you to begin to tell a new story of health.

As we perform this ceremony we will help to bring light into the energy body, clear heavy energy where there is an imbalance and it is holding the story of dis-ease to encourage healing and transformation on a deep level.

Investment 90 minutes – £100

Munay Ki Rites

The Munay Ki Rites originate from the high Andes, the mountains of Peru and the Q'ero shamans. They are a series of initiations which adjust our energy body to help us evolve into the luminous beings we are prophesied to become at this time in human history.

The shamans of Peru believe and teach us that these rites are for everyone, not just for the indigenous people of Peru, but for all the people of our planet. To help bring us into harmony, with each other and all our Earth relations, the plant people, the animals, the landscapes we live as a part of and also connect us with our cosmic relations - the sun, moon and stars. To become the shamans, Earth keepers, and the healers we were born to be. To transmute the stories of suffering we have been born into, to help us heal the trauma that has been a part of our experience for many lifetimes and which is stored in our energy bodies as epigenetic wounds.

Each initiation ceremony is created in conjunction with a fire ceremony, so you can immediately nourish the rites with fire energy, this will help them to grow strong and sure and become a functional part of you. Each initiation is a powerful shift in our consciousness and can help us awaken our shamanic gifts, the gifts we all have the potential to develop if we choose the shamanic path.

Each rite initiation is best done in order from 1 to 9, but the first 4 rites are flexible, we just need the first 4 in place as the foundation before you receive the last 5 rites. Sometimes people need the 2nd rite 1st, putting the bands of power in place first to feel safe enough to awaken their shamanic potential further and let their light shine even brighter.

Please go to our Munay Ki Rite page to learn more about each rite.

Investment for each individual rite 90 minutes – £112

Mandala Ceremony

Mandalas are a way of communicating with spirit in their own language - the language of symbols. As the clinic I work from is next to a beautiful beach we often travel to the beach to perform this ceremony. But this ceremony is also performed indoors if necessary, and the mandala can be released to the Earth or the Ocean or Fire as part of the communication and completion process.

Mandala ceremonies can be held for many reasons, sometimes mandala ceremonies can be held as a healing ceremony for a specific situation or person - for this experience you can create the mandala containing the problem, and then take a step back, meditate and begin to intentionally change the position of the object in the mandala to realign the energies that are out of balance and create the healing matrix.

On the day of the ceremony, you may come with an awareness of a story you are wishing to change, or you can simply send a message of love, gratitude and healing to our Dear Mama Earth, or the Sky, or another spiritual energy you are wanting to make contact with. As we work we may wish to sing prayer songs or chant to add the healing vibrations of sound to your experience.

Investment 2 hours – £150

You may also wish to extend this ceremony by adding Ceremonial Cacao as an element, especially if this is a group ceremony. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and we can co-create the perfect ceremony for you.

Cacao & Energy Healing Ceremony

Cacao ceremony is an ancient practice in native cultures which have used the cacao bean as a way to access the spiritual realms whilst still in full connection with this reality.

Ceremonial Cacao opens the heart chakra, cleanses our energy body and nourishes our soul on a deep level. Mama Cacao's teachings are subtle, profound and practical.

When we work in a 1-2-1 healing Cacao ceremony with the Healing vibrations of Reiki & Seichim, calling in our spirit guides, power animals and spiritual teachers we have the opportunity to raise our vibration significantly higher, to process deep trauma, anxiety, rage, shame and any other sticky emotions we are holding. Sometimes we also perform extractions or chakra cleansing where required to bring you the deepest healing experience possible, leaving you feeling transformed, lighter and freer in mind, body and spirit.

Investment 2 hours – £150

Prayer Tree Ceremony

In some Indigenous cultures, the trees are called the standing ones and have great respect for the tree people. In Siberia, trees are seen as the most sacred of beings, as they bridge heaven and earth through their branches and their roots. In Siberia, there is a wonderful shamanic tradition of creating prayer trees.

Typically a Juniper tree is used, but other evergreens are also used in this way. Offerings of food and drink are left by the tree.

During the ceremony, the shaman and participants will chant and gives thanks to the helping nature spirits for carrying the prayer of the people out to the universe, so that their dreams manifest back on earth.

The ceremony of chanting, prayers, and leaving offerings may continue for a couple of hours or can last (traditionally at least where there is no 9-5 regime to adhere to) for many days.

Brightly coloured cloth ties are hung from the branches of the prayer tree to blow in the wind and carry prayers for the individuals, the community and for the world. The cloth ties are hung loosely so as not to choke the growing branches as they continue to grow.

Prayer trees can also be called wishing trees, or peace trees. Once the tree is designated its purpose of becoming a prayer tree, it must be respected, and never removed from the ground.

Peace tree ceremonies work best with a group but 1-2-1 ceremonies are possible if you simply wish to receive the teachings and go on to share this wisdom with others. Ceremonial Cacao is also wonderful to include in the ceremony as it opens our hearts and connects us with nature.

At least 2 hours, 3 or more can be even better - minimum cost £150 plus costs for fabric unless supplied by the host, and travel costs - please get in touch to design your unique peace tree ceremony.

Plant Spirit Ally & Vibrational Medicine Making Ceremony

The plants are our ancestors, our great great great grandparents and they love us! They have gifts to share, healing gifts, wisdom teachings and a new way of seeing the reality that can help us to live a good life. To learn from them we need to slow down, spend time with them, listen with our third ear and look with our third eye.

I have been trained in Plant Spirit Medicine by several shamanic practitioners from Romany Gypsy Shamans to the Shamans of Peru, but mostly I give credit to the plants for their teachings! I have learnt how to hear the messages of the plant people, and it has healed me and so many of my clients in so many amazing ways, I would love to teach you the art too!

During this ceremony, we work outside in nature and it is best to perform this ceremony on a sunny day, as we need the sun's rays to assist us in the energy medicine-making process. So we most often host these ceremonies in May, June, July, August & September when we have more chance of sunshine for a few hours.

During our ceremony time together, we take you into deep trance states working with the drums or gongs and integrate some ceremonial cacao too if that suits your body. We guide you on a herb walk to meet the many plant spirits that live in my magical healing herb garden. We connect with whoever wants to be your ally, as you fall in love, as one particular plant will attract your attention more than others. We co-create a ceremony specifically for you or your group, to create individual vibrational flower essences for each person attending and connect you to the plant spirit ally that you are making into a medicine.

You will learn the practical process of vibrational essence making, plus a lot about herbs as we journey together both in trance states to meet the spirit of the plant, and in 'real life' as we walk you through over 50 medicinal herbs and trees that thrive in my herb garden. Plus you will take home a unique vibrational essence that will last you a lifetime!

A 6-hour ceremony, a minimum cost of £450 plus an extra £25 per person for material costs for each to create their own vibrational plant spirit essence.

This experience can travel to you, if you wish for a deeper connection to the land and the spirits of the plants you live with, or in a garden love, get in touch to discuss your requirements, this is a beautiful ceremony I would love to share with you! Locally within 20 minutes drive, no travel costs. Additional travel costs may be charged to cover fuel, parking etc.