Venturing Into The Realm Of Mountain Spirits

I will guide you on a shamanic journey to connect with the spirit of the mountains.

I invite you to set your intentions for this journey and choose a mountain you would like to connect with, you may ask the Mountains for help with your manifestation magic, healing, or wisdom.

This guided shamanic gong journey is inspired by a recent trip to Peru, where we spent most of our time in the mountains surrounding the sacred valley and Machu Picchu, guided by local shamans in sacred ceremonies to connect with the mountain spirits also called 'apus'.

I felt so at home there, I want to return as soon as I can, but in the meantime, let us journey together in spirit and connect with the mountains in the next best way!

The Apus, mountain spirits, hold the wisdom of the Earth. It is said when we die, we leave our knowledge, our wisdom, our gifts in the mountain peaks. The Apus are guardians of this wisdom, and when we connect with them they are able to share this wisdom with us.


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