Connecting with our Water Element

This February New Moon, we will Journey with Gongs and Cacao (optional). I will guide you on a shamanic journey to connect to your Water element.

This is the 4th of a series of Shamanic Gong Journeys over the New moons through the 5 elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether.

In many different ancient and indigenous cultures across the globe, there are descriptions of the circle of life and medicine wheels which all incorporate the 5 elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether. No matter their origin, they all align with the same conceptual meaning. As we are made of these elements, we must be in balance for our health and well-being. We are all different, but if we strive to balance as much as possible we will be at our best in health, prosperity and happiness.

The water element represents our adaptability, our ability to go with the flow. When we connect to the water element of our inner world we can observe our nature and learn important lessons about how we are in or out of balance. Are we flowing like a healthy bubbling spring, or stagnant like a stinky old pond. Are we frozen, rigid like ice, or are we steaming hot, perhaps energy bubbling over?

Water is used by many ancient cultures to cleanse, not just physically but spiritually too. We use water to perform magical rituals and ceremonies, to baptise, and to bless with holy waters. There is much mystery and power associated with water. In India, the River Ganges is sacred, and in Egypt the River Nile. In ancient Greece, they created a god of water called Poseidon, and Romans called their counterpart Neptune, the Inuit Goddess of the underworld who lives in the oceans called Sedna (we will be working with Neptune & Sedna Gongs in our ceremony).

In Ayurveda water is associated with the second chakra, the sacral chakra and represents our femininity, sensuality and creativity. In the Mayan chakra, system water is associated with the first chakra, and the archetypal energy of a snake. Snake is considered the mother of all waters and the source of all life. This chakra is also associated with sexuality, healing, fertility transformation and knowledge.

It is also interesting to reflect on the fact that we are around 70% water, as is Planet Earth - we are a mirror for the Earth's wellbeing. And as we have poisoned her waters and all water is connected, we are also becoming poisoned by drinking unclean waters available to us unless you have a very good filtration system.

Water has the power to heal, cleanse, support and nurture life, or destroy us. To begin to be in the right relation with water we can connect and learn what this element has to teach us, where are we in or out of balance. What can we do to nurture the water element within us? Perhaps you are also willing to co-create a new way forward with the element of water and ask how we may assist the cleansing process that the whole planet requires now to come back into balance and heal as one.

This ceremony may help you to connect to your inner water element. To see where you are in or out of balance. Or perhaps you would like to work with the power of the spirit of water to transform something in your life, and begin the journey towards spring with more clarity and renewed purpose.

We do this by journeying together, with my words, I guide you on a meditation which will lead you to connect with the element of Water. To begin to awaken your awareness of how it manifests within you and around you in your experience of reality. Perhaps to gain an understanding of where you are depleting your Water energy unconsciously, and how you can cultivate a healthy Water element balance within you.

The gongs and cacao will enhance your shamanic brain's ability to connect deeply into different levels of awareness, going from Beta consciousness to alpha, delta and theta, the day-dream states where we are still awake yet able to vision as if in a dream. To awaken and to see with your shamanic brain what is all around us all the time, yet invisible to most of us with our eyes open. And of course, I will guide you home fully to your body again, so you can integrate the experience and bring home the gifts and wisdom to your everyday reality.


Connecting with our Ether Element


Connecting With Our Fire Element