Journey to Meet Mama Cacao

This June New Moon, we will Journey with Gongs and Cacao, I will guide you on a shamanic journey, assisted by my gongs to meet the spirit of Mama Cacao. We do this by journeying together, with my voice to guide you on the path, the sounds of 7 symphonic gongs, and other shamanic instruments to help our consciousness shift into a deeper altered dreamier state. I will guide you on a shamanic journey into the lower realms (also known as the inner realm) to meet Mama Cacao. She is a very practical teacher, who can help us connect with our heart's eyes - so we see with a loving perspective, help us tune into our heart's desire and assist us with intentions of personal or collective healing and/or visioning.

The gongs and ceremonial cacao will enhance your shamanic brain in its ability to connect deeply into different levels of awareness, going from Beta consciousness, through to alpha, delta and theta, the day-dream states where we are still awake yet able to vision as if in a dream. To awaken and to see with your shamanic brain what is all around us all the time, yet invisible to most of us with our eyes open. And of course, I will guide you home fully to your body again, so you can integrate the experience and bring home the gifts and wisdom to your everyday reality.

If you wish, you may prepare a question about your professional or personal life, or a request for support or healing and Mama Cacao will be ready to be your advisor, healer and wisdom keeper.

There are many suppliers, and of course, I recommend the brands I work with, after 7 years of experience and trialling many cacaos, I offer my own personal favourites Tsatsayaku (gentle but visionary), Spirit of The Valley (the most delicious and healing) and Ruk'U'X Ulew (the most relaxing) for best results.

About Cacao Ceremony

The cacao ceremony is an ancient Mayan shamanic practice, where we gather together in ceremony to drink ceremonial cacao. With Sorrell's assistance, we develop our ability to create blissful trance states for our healing and spiritual awakening. During our online events, we use techniques like deep meditation, guided shamanic journeying and breathwork to facilitate the deepening of our trance states.

Each ceremony is unique, crafted by Sorrell by working in ceremony with Mama Cacao prior to each event, to bring us the most perfectly attuned healing and joyful experience possible. No previous experience of shamanic journeying or cacao ceremony is required to join these events, just an open heart and mind. In fact, Sorrell loves introducing the art and science of this healing practice to newcomers.

For the more experienced individual, Sorrell and Mama Cacao can help you go deeper and further on your spiritual healing journey. Our intention is to help you experience physical and emotional healing, connect to spiritual bliss, receive wisdom teachings from your spirit guides and assist your personal evolutionary path into wholeness. At New Moon, we have an astrological opportunity to go deeper within, into the darkness of infinite possibility, close our eyes to the past and dream a new dream.

By coming together in Sacred Shamanic Ceremony, working with Ceremonial Cacao in the traditional way, and with Sorrell as our Shamanic guide we can collectively raise our conscious awareness, awaken our innate shamanic potential, receive spiritual and physical healing and with a bit of practice, experience life-changing mystical experiences.

Cacao ceremony offers us the opportunity to connect more deeply with ourselves and open our hearts to refuel with love, rest, and healing. Cacao can be used as a medicine for personal or spiritual development and to improve physical health too. After the ceremony, Sorrell also offers her expert guidance in leading us through the healing visions we receive when in ceremony with Cacao. And provides a safe space for individual and group healing within our sacred space, allowing the deep healing experience to be explored at its most profound level.

About Sorrell, Your Shamanic Guide

Sorrell’s ceremonies are held in a traditional shamanic style following the teachings she has gained through her 27 years of training with Herbalists and Shamans from across the globe in the art and science of Medical Herbalism, Plant Spirit Medicine, Shamanic Healing and Sacred Cacao Ceremony. Sorrell has been trained more specifically by Guatemalan, Ecuadorian, Peruvian and Native North American - Lakota & Basque traditional medicine men and women.

❤️ We can heal our world, one heart at a time - let us begin with our own ❤️


Embark On A Magical Moon Journey With Me - Experience The Sacred New Moon Cacao Ceremony


Mayan Soul Retrieval Experience