Visioning with our Future Self: Free Shamanic Cacao Ceremony with Gongs

🌙Unlock Your Best Life: A Shamanic Journey Into The Future Awaits 🌙 ✨

Feeling stuck in a loop? Past experiences shaping your future (unintentionally)? It's time to break free!

This shamanic journey isn't about fortune-telling. It's about discovering your most amazing, fulfilling future and harnessing its power to transform your present.

Imagine yourself walking into your brightest future and looking back. Suddenly, the challenges of today shrink, revealing a path brimming with possibilities.

Here's the magic: By setting an intention to meet this "highest potential you," you empower your present self to take the first steps.

On this journey, you'll uncover:

- Hidden obstacles: What's holding you back from your best life? We'll identify these roadblocks and release them.

- Empowering new beginnings: What small steps can you take right now towards wholeness and happiness?

- Your inner wisdom: Let your curiosity be your guide. We'll tap into your intuition to reveal powerful insights.

- This mystical exploration isn't just about the future - it's about creating it.

Get ready to shed the past, embrace your potential, and step onto a path of joy and fulfilment.

What to bring: - A cup for your ceremonial cacao (optional - simply join us for the journey if preferred).

- A comfortable place to sit or lie down.

- An open mind and a curious spirit.


Hosting a Cosmic Cacao Ceremony linked to the Moon Cycles


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