The Shamanic Practitioner’s Path

Join me on the Shamanic Practitioner's path and let your healing gifts flourish as you embrace the call to make a difference in the world.With 3 decades of experience in both healing and teaching,

I am ready to guide you through the challenges of becoming a professional and successful shamanic healer and seer. 

I am dedicated to helping your healing gifts flourish.

The 4 quadrants of the Shamanic Practitioner's Path

Shamanic Practitioner Training

To fulfil this requirement, you'll engage in the following 4 essential training components:

Foundation Course:

  • The 13 Moons: spanning 13 days over 12 months.

  • This course is treated as a separate entity on its own right, as some people do not continue onto the shamanic practitioner pathway, we do not include it in the pathway pricing.

3 Essential Additional Modular Courses:

  • Extraction & Illumination: delivered over 2 days.

  • Soul Retrieval: delivered over 2 days.

  • Shamanic Drum & Crystal Healing: delivered over 2 days.

Supervision: As you begin to work with clients, you are required to attend 15 x 1 hour supervision sessions over 1 year or more to support your therapeutic progress. We recommend 1 per month to keep your momentum flowing. Additional supervision can be arranged if desired.

Additional training: if you wish to continue to grow and evolve as a healer I offer several wonderful trainings including Shamanic Drum & Rattle birthing, Gong healing, The Munay Ki Rites, and Cacao Spirit Medicine Trainings.

Case Studies & 1-2-1 Tuition 

In your journey toward becoming an accomplished shamanic practitioner, you'll be required to complete a total of 60 case studies. Two of these case studies will be observed by Plant Spirit Medicine Woman during training days, providing you with invaluable feedback and guidance.

The Time Commitment

Each case study treatment should last a minimum of 60 minutes. And at least 45 must be in person, rather than online.

Streamlined Documentation

We provide an online form for documenting your case studies, making the paperwork process easy to navigate. 

1-2-1 Tuition Sessions

During these 90 minute sessions, we'll explore each of your case studies in depth. With each new client or group ceremony, you'll encounter fresh challenges, offering invaluable learning experiences. The training experience will be tailored to you, taking into account your prior experiences and training.

Intellectual Integration

An Essay
A 2,000 WORD ESSAY: on any subject related to shamanic healing. This is not an academic paper, more a way of ascertaining that you are integrating and embodying the teachings and can convey a clear message to the people you will serve as a shamanic practitioner. 

A Short Written Paper
A concise questionnaire for you, comprising eight thoughtfully crafted questions. Each question pertains to the teachings and experiences you've encountered during your courses with Plant Spirit Medicine Woman. These questions are carefully designed to delve into specific aspects of shamanic practice. By responding to them, you'll not only help us assess your knowledge but also gauge your ability to effectively convey your message to both your clients and the broader public.

Our Legal Requirements

Registration with the ICO

To align with the Data Protection Legislation of 2018, therapists are required to register with the Information Commissioner's Office, which can be done at

Insurance for Your Shamanic Practice

As a student shamanic practitioner, you might consider obtaining insurance for your work. We've partnered with Balens, the trusted underwriter for this course and your training.

Here's how it works: While you're a student, you can apply directly to Balens for student insurance to cover your practice during your training period.

Once you've successfully completed the course and obtained your certificate, you can provide it to Balens to transition to shamanic practitioner insurance, ensuring comprehensive coverage for your healing practice.

Balens offers reliable insurance solutions tailored to shamanic practitioners, providing peace of mind as you embark on your healing journey.

The Shamanic Practitioner's Path

Throughout your Shamanic Practitioner training, we'll work together closely to fulfil the following requirements and guide you on your path to becoming an accomplished shamanic practitioner.

A Modern Medicine Woman's Journey: Bridging Worlds for Healing

For 3 decades, I've walked the path of a Modern Medicine Woman. It's a journey that began with a deep personal quest for healing and blossomed into a calling to guide others. My qualifications range from Herbal Medicine (BSc Hons) to advanced shamanic practices. I've honed my skills under esteemed doctors and healers from across the globe – from India to Africa, Europe to the Americas. My teachers encompass Romany, Ecuadorian, Guatemalan, and Peruvian Shamans, Native American Medicine Women, British Shamans, Druids, and Wicca Witches, and contemporary practitioners like Herbalists and Aromatherapists.

These diverse influences have woven a unique tapestry of knowledge. Today, I offer personalised healing experiences through Herbal Medicine, Plant Spirit Medicine, and Shamanic practices. I've transitioned from educating diverse audiences at University and private education settings, to create my own school which focuses on empowering individuals to discover their own innate healing gifts.

My mission is to be your guide on the Shamanic path. We'll journey together, traversing the "rainbow bridge" to connect with the interconnectedness of all things. The Medicine Wheel teachings forming a foundation of our shamanic training, a powerful tool for uncovering new perspectives and accessing the universe's profound healing potential.

This path isn't without its challenges. It requires a calling to serve others, unwavering commitment, and a touch of bravery. But there's also joy in the exploration – a willingness to venture into the unknown. As your guide, I hold your unique gifts, experiences, and training in high regard. I'm here to support you with wisdom, love, and a deep respect for your individual journey.

What you receive for your investment

Soul Retrieval Shamanic Healing Workshop

Unlock the hidden potential within you and others through the ancient Shamanic practice of Soul Retrieval

(worth £270)

Next Workshops: 

2024 - June 24th & July 1st

2025 - February 3rd & 4th

Shamanic Drum and Crystal Healing Workshop

A 2-day workshop teaching you how to use a shamanic frame drum and crystals for healing and awakening spiritual consciousness.

(worth £270)

Next workshops:

2024 - SOLD OUT

2025 - May 19th & 20th

Extraction and Illumination Shamanic Healing Workshop

Unlock Your Healing Powers: Join Our 2-Day Workshop! Experience the Magic of Energy Extraction and Illumination.

(worth £270)

Next workshops:

2024 - September 8th & 9th

2025 - September 22nd & 23rd

1-2-1 Tuition

15 Sessions of personal professional tuition with Plant Spirit Medicine Woman to build your confidence and develop your professional practice

(worth over £2,300)

Book your 1-2-1 tuition at a time that is convenient to you.

These sessions can be facilitated in person or remotely, gifting you more freedom to grow on your unique path. 


Pay in Full


Most Popular

  • save nearly 5% over 3 x Monthly Payment Plan

  • save nearly 10% over 12 x Monthly Payment Plant

  • One Payment of £2310

  • The most cost-efficient way to guarantee your place

Pay in 3


x 3 Monthly Payments

  • 3 instalments of £808.50

  • Total Investment £2425.50

  • One made immediately, then 2 in the next 2 months

Pay in 12


x 12 Monthly Payments

  • 12 instalments of £211.75

  • Total Investment £2541

  • One made immediately, then monthly over the next 11 months

 Any Questions?

  • The duration of the apprenticeship can vary depending on individual progress and the pace at which you choose to learn. On average, it spans approximately 2-4 years, including both foundational training and practical experience.

  • Shamanism is a spiritual and healing practice that involves awakening your awareness, through practical methods, with the spirit world and your inner world or subconscious to facilitate personal transformation, healing, and guidance. It often includes rituals, ceremonies, meditations and the use of various tools and

  • There are no strict prerequisites, but a genuine interest in shamanism and healing is essential. We welcome individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds.

    The 13 moons course, is a foundational course that you can either do first, or in parallel to this pathway.

    Your readiness to commit to the program and embrace the teachings is what matters most.

  • We train in person, in small groups, at my clinic in Margate, Kent, UK.

    Case study reviews during supervision sessions, can be conducted online.

  • We understand that the investment in your shamanic journey is significant. We offer flexible payment plans and are open to discussing individual financial arrangements to accommodate your needs.

  • Throughout the program, you'll receive personalised mentorship and support. This includes regular 1-2-1 sessions, case study reviews, and guidance on your healing journey. You won't walk this path alone; I am here to help you succeed.

  • Yes, you can start working with clients during your apprenticeship, and we encourage it. We have organised an insurance package with Balens to protect you during this phase of your journey. As you progress and gain experience, you'll refine your skills and build confidence in your abilities.

    The ceremonies are too personalised to offer as a recording. But you will receive the recipes as part of the course and can repeat these at home to experience the healing medicines.

    All the healing ceremonies are unique and will not be repeated, but it is possible to receive this healing session in a 1-2-1 session if desired, at extra cost to cover the time it takes.

  • To become certified, you'll complete the required training, including case studies and mentoring sessions. Upon successful completion, you'll receive a certificate in Shamanic Healing, which can be submitted to Balens for professional indemnity insurance.

  • Our program emphasises a heart-centered approach to shamanic healing, focusing on healing, transformation, and connecting to your unique shamanic vision. You'll receive guidance from an experienced practitioner with over 28 years of training and practice, ensuring a deeply enriching and personalised experience.

  • To embark on this transformative journey, please get in touch with us through the provided contact information. We'll guide you through the application process, answer any additional questions you may have, and help you take your first step toward becoming a certified shamanic practitioner.

  • YES!

    I offer 5 Optional Additional Modular Courses to advance your skill set and shamanic abilities:

    • The Munay Ki Rites: 49.5 hours, spanning 9 days over 9 months.

    • Shamanic Drum Making: Approximately 10+ hours.

    • Shamanic Rattle Making: Approximately 5+ hours.

    • Shamanic Gong Healing: 10 hours.

    • Cacao Spirit Medicine - Cacaoista Training: 12 hours, distributed over 8 weeks.

  • 1. 13 Moons Training

    The 13 moons training is treated as an individual training, and charged for separately as not all 13 moons participants wish to complete the practitioner training. 

    2. Shamanic Materials

    There are materials you will need to source for your professional practice. These will vary depending on your personal preferences and therefore costs will vary too. many can be crafted from foraged materials found in nature. You will be offered guidance as to where to source these materials within the trainings.


    Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to join our private Facebook group, where you can connect with your peers for ongoing support and discussions throughout your journey. We're here to ensure you have all the resources and assistance you need, regardless of your schedule.

Any other questions? Please feel free to contact me with the form below.