Ceremonial Cacao: Recipes to Balance the 7 Chakras

Ceremonial cacao, a sacred beverage enjoyed by ancient cultures, is renowned for its ability to enhance heart chakra energy. However, its benefits extend far beyond the heart.

When paired with specific herbs and ingredients, ceremonial cacao can be used to balance and harmonise all seven chakras.



Sanskrit Name: Muladhara

Meaning: Root Chakra

Properties: Grounding, stability, survival

The Spiritual Properties of Cornflour and Cacao: Corn flour, a staple ingredient in many cultures, carries deep-rooted spiritual significance. It is often associated with masculine energies, providing grounding, stability, and abundance. When combined with cacao, which represents feminine energies, corn flour creates a harmonious blend of yin and yang within ourselves.

In Mayan traditions, corn kernels were used in magical rituals to express gratitude to the spirits and invite luck, prosperity, and abundance. The four colours of corn kernels—blue, white, yellow, and red—represent the four colours of the human race, each offering unique energetic properties. Blue corn, for example, is used to bless the land and purify spaces, while white corn is believed to provide greater insights and is often consumed before meditation.

Historically, corn flour and cacao were often given to men before hunts to provide them with the stamina, insight, and protection needed for their journeys. When combined into treats with grains, nuts, or seeds, corn flour and cacao could sustain individuals for extended periods, making them ideal for long trips or times of scarcity.

Personally, I enjoy adding corn flour to my cacao when I know I need to be physically strong, or I'm feeling low in energy, perhaps a little dizzy, and ungrounded. The combination lifts my spirits and provides a boost of vitality, leaving me feeling more empowered, grounded and capable of tackling whatever challenges come my way.


  • Add a teaspoon of ground cornflour to the water you are boiling to make the cacao drink, and whisk it to cook it through, as corn is best digested after cooking.

  • Once the water and corn infusion has boiled you can add the cacao and whisk until creamy

  • Add a little sweetness, to your preferred taste.



Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

Meaning: Sacral Chakra

Properties: Creativity, pleasure, sensuality

How Cacao and Cardamom Enhance: Cardamom, known for its warm, spicy flavor, stimulates the sacral chakra, associated with creativity and pleasure. Cacao's heart-opening properties complement cardamom's ability to unlock emotional expression and sensuality.

Cardamom, a fragrant spice native to India, has been used for centuries in both culinary and medicinal applications. Introduced to the world by Alexander the Great, cardamom was later integrated into cacao ceremonies in Guatemala, where it continues to be cultivated and enjoyed today.

Associated with the feminine energy of Venus and the element of Water, cardamom is believed to possess aphrodisiac properties. Some also associate it with Mars and Fire, suggesting a harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies. This herb is thought to enhance one's ability to charm and seduce others, making it a popular choice for those seeking love and connection.

The sacral chakra, located below the navel, is associated with creativity, pleasure, and sensuality. When imbalanced, it can manifest as feelings of shame, guilt, or lack of self-worth. Cardamom, with its warm, spicy aroma and stimulating properties, is believed to help balance the sacral chakra in the following ways:

  • Enhances creativity: Cardamom's uplifting and energising properties can spark creativity and inspire new ideas.

  • Stimulates pleasure: Associated with sensuality and pleasure, cardamom can help awaken the body's natural desires and enhance enjoyment of life.

  • Boosts self-esteem: By promoting feelings of pleasure and self-worth, cardamom can help overcome feelings of shame or guilt and boost overall self-esteem.


  • Add a few cardamom pods (I use 5 per person) to the water as you begin to boil it, and let it steep for 10 minutes to infuse its aroma fully.

  • Remove the cacao pods and bring the water to a gentle simmer, add the cacao and whisk until creamy.

  • Add a little sweetness, to your preferred taste.



Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Meaning: Solar Plexus Chakra

Properties: Power, self-esteem, confidence

How Cacao and Ginger Enhance: Ginger, a fiery root, invigorates the solar plexus chakra, associated with personal power and self-esteem. Cacao's uplifting energy complements ginger's ability to boost confidence and vitality.

The solar plexus chakra, located just below the navel, is often associated with self-esteem, confidence, and personal power. When imbalanced, it can manifest as feelings of low self-worth, anxiety, or difficulty asserting oneself. Ginger and cacao, two powerful natural healing plants, can work together to harmonise this vital energy centre.

To harness the combined benefits of ginger and cacao for balancing the solar plexus chakra, consider these options:

  • Ginger - Cacao Tea: Steep grated ginger and cacao tea in hot water to create a soothing and invigorating tea. Add honey or maple syrup for sweetness.

  • Ginger - Cacao Smoothie: Blend ginger, cacao powder, and your favourite plant based milk for a delicious and nutritious smoothie.

  • Ginger - Cacao Energy Balls: Combine ginger, cacao powder, nuts, seeds, and a sweetener to create bite-sized energy balls that can be enjoyed as a snack or dessert.

By incorporating ginger and cacao into your daily routine, you can support the balance of your solar plexus chakra and cultivate feelings of self-esteem, confidence, and personal power.



Sanskrit Name: Anahata

Meaning: Heart Chakra

Properties: Love, compassion, harmony

How Cacao and Rose Enhance: Roses, often associated with love, beauty, and passion, have long been used in rituals and ceremonies to attract love, heal heartbreak, and boost self-confidence. Their symbolism resonates deeply with the goddess Aphrodite, the planet Venus, and the divine feminine energy.

Cacao, a sacred plant used by ancient cultures, offers a rich tapestry of spiritual properties that complement the rose's energetic qualities. Cacao can:

  • Open the heart: Its warm, nurturing qualities can dissolve emotional blockages and foster a sense of love and compassion.

  • Enhance intuition: Cacao can heighten psychic awareness and facilitate a deeper connection to your inner wisdom.

  • Awaken the spirit: It can stimulate creativity, inspiration, and a sense of spiritual awakening.

Combining Rose and Cacao:

When used together, rose and cacao create a potent blend for:

  • Deepening love: The rose's love energy, combined with cacao's heart-opening properties, can intensify romantic connections and foster a sense of self-love.

  • Healing heartbreak: The gentle, nurturing qualities of cacao can soothe emotional pain and help you heal from past wounds.

  • Boosting confidence: Rose's confidence-enhancing properties, combined with cacao's energy-boosting effects, can help you step into your power and embrace your true self.

  • Attracting prosperity: The rose's association with prosperity, combined with cacao's abundance-promoting qualities, can help you manifest your desires and create a life of abundance.

Ritual Ideas:

  • Love Ritual: Create a rose-infused cacao drink, perhaps adding a teaspoon or two of rose syrup to your ceremonial cacao, meditate on your intentions, and visualise attracting love into your life.

  • Self-Love Ritual: Take a bath infused with rose petals and cacao powder, focusing on self-compassion and appreciation.

  • Prosperity Ritual: Anoint yourself with rose-scented oil, visualise your heart opening to receive whatever your heart desires. Meditatively drink a ceremonial cacao elixir, with gratitude in your heart for all you have already received, ask for help and assistance from your spiritual allies to open your heart and remove any blockages to receiving.

By incorporating the spiritual properties of rose and cacao into your rituals and practices, you can tap into a powerful combination of energies that can enhance your love life, boost your self-esteem, and attract prosperity.



Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha

Meaning: Throat Chakra

Properties: Communication, self-expression, truth

How Cacao and Honey Enhance: Honey, often hailed as the nectar of the gods, has been revered for centuries for its taste, nutritional value, and spiritual properties. In many cultures, honey is associated with fertility, prosperity, and community. It's believed to balance the throat chakra, nurturing our ability to communicate, express ourselves, and receive guidance.

The Spiritual Significance of Honey

  • Throat Chakra Balance: Honey's sweetness is thought to nourish and harmonise the throat chakra, associated with communication, self-expression, and receiving guidance.

  • Positive Energy: Consuming honey is believed to help shift our mindset from negativity to optimism, fostering a more solution-oriented approach to life.

  • Connection to the Divine: In shamanic traditions, honey is seen as a messenger from the gods, connecting us to higher realms of consciousness.

Combining Honey and Cacao for Optimal Benefits

When combined, honey and cacao create a powerful elixir that can nourish both the body and soul. The sweetness of honey complements the rich, earthy flavour of cacao, while their combined spiritual properties can promote a sense of well-being and connection. Cacao's uplifting energy complements honey's ability to promote clarity and authenticity.

Recipe with ceremonial cacao:

  • Brew a cup of ceremonial cacao.

  • Add a spoonful of honey to the cacao.

  • Stir and enjoy.

Incorporating Honey and Cacao into Your Daily Routine

  • Yoghurt, Raw Cacao Nibs and Honey: Enjoy a small bowl of yoghurt, sprinkled with a handful of raw cacao nibs drizzled with honey for a simple and delicious treat.

  • Cacao and Honey Smoothie: Blend cacao powder, honey, and your favourite plant milk for a nutritious and energising smoothie.

  • Cacao and Honey Energy Balls: Make homemade energy balls using cacao powder, honey, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Lion's Mane Mushroom


Sanskrit Name: Ajna

Meaning: Third Eye Chakra

Properties: Intuition, wisdom, spiritual awareness

How Cacao and Lion's Mane Enhance: Lion's mane mushroom, a prized ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, has gained popularity in recent years for its potential cognitive benefits. When combined with cacao, a sacred ingredient revered by ancient cultures, this blend can create a powerful elixir for spiritual awakening.

The Spiritual Significance of Lion's Mane

  • Third Eye Chakra Activation: Lion's mane is believed to stimulate the third eye chakra, associated with intuition, wisdom, and spiritual perception.

  • Enhanced Creativity: Consuming lion's mane can boost creativity, imagination, and problem-solving abilities.

  • Spiritual Awakening: Some people report experiencing profound spiritual insights and awakenings after incorporating lion's mane into their routine.

Lion's Mane's Cognitive Benefits

Beyond its spiritual significance, lion's mane has been studied for its potential cognitive benefits, including:

  • Improved Memory: Lion's mane may help enhance memory and cognitive function.

  • Reduced Anxiety: Some research suggests that lion's mane can help reduce anxiety and improve mood.

  • Neuroprotection: Lion's mane may have neuroprotective properties, helping to support brain health and prevent degeneration associated with ageing and illness.

Incorporating Lion's Mane and Cacao into Your Daily Routine

  • Lion's Mane and Cacao Latte: Blend lion's mane powder, cacao powder, and your favourite plant-based milk for a delicious and nourishing latte.

  • Lion's Mane and Cacao Energy Balls: Make homemade energy balls using lion's mane powder, cacao powder, nuts, and seeds.

  • Lion's Mane and Ceremonial Cacao: Steep lion's mane powder in the water as you begin to brew your cup of ceremonial cacao, once the water is simmering, add the cacao and whisk until smooth and creamy. 

By incorporating lion's mane and cacao into your daily routine, you can experience the physical and spiritual benefits of these powerful ingredients. This sacred blend can help you tap into your intuition, awaken your spiritual potential, and enhance your overall well-being.

Blue Lotus


Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara

Meaning: Crown Chakra

Properties: Spirituality, enlightenment, connection to the divine

How Cacao and Blue Lotus Enhance: Blue lotus has been used in ancient cultures for its ability to connect individuals to higher realms of consciousness. It is believed to facilitate communication with spirit guides, angels, and other spiritual entities.

The Spiritual Properties of Blue Lotus

  • Crown Chakra Activation: Blue lotus is believed to stimulate the crown chakra, the energy centre associated with divine connection, spiritual awareness, and enlightenment.

  • Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Consuming blue lotus can enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual perception.

  • Dream Recall: Blue lotus may improve dream recall, providing valuable insights into the subconscious mind.

Combining Cacao and Blue Lotus for Optimal Benefits

A simple way to make a cacao and blue lotus blend: Steep blue lotus, crushed or whole flowers in boiled water as a tea. Once infused for around 10 minutes, strain the tea and remove the flowers. Reheat the water to simmering, add the cacao and whisk until smooth and creamy. Add sweetener to taste.

When combined, cacao and blue lotus create a powerful elixir that can nourish both the mind and spirit. The unique properties of each ingredient can work synergistically to promote spiritual growth and divine connection.

By incorporating cacao and blue lotus into your daily meditation routine, you can experience the physical and spiritual benefits of these powerful ingredients. This sacred blend can help you deepen your connection to your spirit guides, receive divine messages, and awaken your spiritual potential.

Yearning for something extra, curious to learn more? 

Love cacao and want to share this sacred medicine with others in the ‘right’ way?

Join our 8-week Cacao Spirit Medicine Training and become a certified Cacaoista. Learn the traditional Mayan techniques of honouring, preparing and serving cacao, and share this sacred elixir with your community. Only a few places left on our next training starting this October!

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Download your free Cacao Recipe Book today

Discover a world of delicious and transformative cacao creations. Inspired by recipes passed down through generations of Guatemalan Cacao Spirit Medicine teachers, this book offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

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