We Are Rainbows! The Chakras in Mayan Shamanism

The chakras are energy centres, our ancient ancestors, the seers of our past saw them as energy flowing like vortexes or wheels within our luminous energy field. Where our life force flows in and out of our being, the connection between the conscious and unconscious life that we lead. By focusing on our chakras as a place to create balance and heal ourselves we can begin to restore our health to 100% functioning capacity.

In this Mayan system, there are 7 chakras in the body, plus the 2 sky chakras - 8th within our luminous body above our heads, and 9th in the great beyond.

Our chakras work best for us when they are open and spinning in a clockwise direction, the same direction as the spiral arms of the galaxies. Blockages in chakras or closed chakras can prevent us from being able to physically manifest our dreams and desires, heal and become whole, no matter how much physical effort we put in.

Each chakra has a unique frequency, often represented by a colour that we can tune into, we are walking rainbows. Our chakras are probably at their best when we are newborns - flowing with life and connected to spirit. As we age, we experience trauma or disease, our chakras can become less than perfect, clogged up by these sticky energies, slowing their circulation and flow of energy, and we may feel this as a loss of energy or disease, but we can change this when we know how.

The 9 Mayan Chakras

The first 5 lower chakras are connected to the earth. The upper 4 chakras are connected to the sky and the sun. The chakras are associated with specific archetypal energies. These archetypes are well known in Mayan philosophy, and there are similarities with other archetypes in our Western world, in the same way as the Greek and Roman gods have very similar stories. 

1st/Base Chakra - Serpent

Associated with the colour red, associated with the Great Serpent, located at the base of the spine, and connects us to the Earth.

Issues that may have affected this chakra include issues around survival, fear, and connection to our tribe.

Where we feel insecure or disconnected in some way, drawing the energy of Mama Earth into this chakra can help ground us and reconnect us to her love.

2nd/Sacral Chakra - Mother Jaguar

It is associated with the colour orange, Mother Jaguar and the water element and is positioned an inch or 2 below our belly button.

This is the area that connects us to our sacred sexuality - transforming lust into love, creativity and abundance, our inner child and spontaneity.

3rd/Solar Plexus Chakra - Hummingbird

Associated with the colour yellow, the personal power chakra, is responsible for our personal power, our ability to influence the world around us, and to be successful in our chosen pursuits.

It connects to the element of fire, and hummingbird.

It can help us to connect us to the fuel, energy and power we need to manifest our dreams.

4th/Heart Chakra - Condor or Great Eagle

Associated with the colour Green, and sometimes pink.

It is associated with the element air and influences our relationships.

When our heart chakra is weak we may sabotage our relationships through a lack of trust, anger and envy.

Our sense of touch is associated with this chakra.

Joy and peace reside in a healthy heart chakra, with a feeling of love flowing easily and infinitely through you.

5th/Throat Chakra - Huscar, God of the Underworld

Associated with the colour blue, is our ability to communicate and listen, to speak our truth.

The physical structures associated with this chakra include the throat, oesophagus, neck, thyroid, thymus, jaw, teeth and ears.

When this chakra reaches its full potential it allows our ability to be clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient to evolve.

This chakra helps us to communicate without words as well as using them.

This can help us to be open to seeing our future and what is possible for us, to step into our future, and if necessary to look within to remove the blockages holding us back - so the past no longer informs us!

We now move up to our sky chakras, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th her development becomes transpersonal as we experience increasingly subtle domains.

6th/Third Eye Chakra - Quetzalcoatl, Feathered Serpent

Associated with the colour Indigo.

An awakened third eye allows us to know who we are! It gives us the knowledge of the past and the future, to envision alternate destinies.

This chakra is the centre of knowing.

People with a balanced 6th chakra often have telepathic abilities, can be very charismatic and have no fear of death.

It is connected with our pineal and pituitary glands. It is associated with the element of electricity and is associated with our sense of thought.

7th/Crown Chakra - Pachakutti, God of the Upper World

Associated with the colour violet or purple, at the very top of our head, the total to the heavens.

We see the luminous threads that come from this centre reach up to the stars and into our destiny.

Associated with our Pituitary gland, the nervous system, the brain, the head and the element of light.

When in perfect balance it can render individuals the ability to perform miracles, and transcend the laws of nature, with a heightened awareness of the laws of death and immortality.

8th Chakra - Wiracocha, Gateway to Infinity

This chakra is where we experience a union with all of creation.

It corresponds with the Christian idea of the soul, which is personal and finite.

Associated with the colour gold, when awakened appears like a golden sun within our luminous energy field.

It can be seen in old artistic representations above saints and Buddha figures like a halo.

It is the architect of the body, but it is not associated with any bodily part.

It is the timeless part of us, the blockages we may find here are often the stories of humanity's past, the horrible history that we need to heal from that is affecting our epigenetic expression via our DNA. It is also here where one can experience the expanse of creation.

And is also associated with Condor/Eagle.

9th Chakra - Purity & Infinity

This is the source of the 8th chakra, it exists outside our luminous energy field, connects us through a luminous cord and extends throughout the entire cosmos, time and space to where it resides at the heart of the universe.

It is always crystalline and pure and is also associated with the Condor.

This is also a place where we can feel the magnitude, of the expanse of all creation.

The element is spirit - ether, and the colour is translucent white - all the colours of the rainbow as one.

It is not associated with any glands or physical aspects of our body.

Its vibration is pure joy, there is no negativity here - just pure love!

My Healing Journey with the Archetypes

During 3 of my shamanic trainings, I received a profoundly healing gift known as the Munay Ki Harmony Rite. This is a shamanic initiation ritual, gifted to me from the lineage of the Q’ero Shamans of Peru, also called the Laika.

During this initiation, the seed of each archetype is energetically placed in each chakra. The seeds also need to be nurtured to grow strong with simple rituals and meditations. 

As a consequence of this initiatory experience, I was able to clear the energetic imprints of trauma that had blocked each chakra and deepen my understanding, through direct experience of the interconnectedness of the universe.

I transformed pain into peace and confusion into clarity. And I developed a healthier relationship with myself and the world around me. 

A good example of this is how the spirit of Serpent, placed into my root chakra, helped me to be more aware of my body.

I tended to dissociate from a tough childhood where food was not always available and go long periods forgetting to nurture my body with food or water, which in turn could lead to unnecessary weakness, burnt-out and sickness. Serpent helps me to hear the voice of my physical body and nurture it when it needs me to.

As Shamanism is mind, body, and spirit medicine - all parts of our being need to be strong to live up to our full potential and enjoy life.

I now hear the voice of my body more clearly, it encourages me to enjoy life in physical ways that previously I may have ignored far too easily.

These Transformational Rites are Available for All!

During our Shaman’s Way training, as part of a 13 Moon Journey, I gift these rites as a part of a set of 10 Munay Ki Rites that are available to help us evolve and transcend these turbulent times.

Each of us, and the world as a whole needs a new way of being, a new compass to guide us to a more balanced harmonious way of life with all our relations.

The harmony rites are perhaps the best example within the Munay Ki Rites of how we are being helped by spiritual masters to change and awaken to our full potential as caretakers of our Earth.

These initiatory rites offer us processes and practices to evolve and alchemise our deepest wounds into a source of compassion, our limiting beliefs into a new way of seeing the interconnectedness of all life, to become a part of the lineage of healers, and become a powerful agent for change to help transform our world.

Once the Shaman’s Way journey has been completed you will also be able to gift these rites to others should you wish to, enabling the ripple effect of these healing rites to flow even faster throughout our world.

We have just 1 place left on our upcoming October 2024 intake, and a further intake next April 2025. These groups are small - just 7 each time, to enable me to hold space for your healing journey, and create a sacred hoop of support and ensure you receive the benefits and understand these rites to their fullest potential. 

If you would like to incorporate this wisdom into your life, as a way to heal yourself, or as a part of your journey as a healer for others, tune into pure universal love, and reach your highest spiritual potential, I will be waiting to welcome you on the Shaman’s Way path.


The Medicine Wheel: A Journey Of Self-Discovery


Ceremonial Cacao: Recipes to Balance the 7 Chakras