Mugwort's Gift: Awakening the Feminine Shaman Within
Journey into the mystical and medicinal world of Mugwort, a plant steeped in folklore and revered for its potent properties. Known by a myriad of names – from the earthy 'Felon Herb' to the evocative 'Sailor’s Tobacco' – Artemisia vulgaris holds a unique place in both traditional healing and spiritual practices.
Named after Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, fertility, and wild places, Mugwort embodies a powerful connection to nature and the inner self.
With its silvery leaves and aromatic scent, this humble herb has been employed for centuries across cultures, offering a diverse range of benefits, from soothing physical ailments to unlocking the depths of dream consciousness.
Join me as we delve into the multifaceted world of Mugwort, exploring its cultivation, uses, and the profound wisdom it imparts.
Unwind and Detoxify: Herbal Tea Help for a Successful Dry January
Are you choosing a ‘Dry January’? Perhaps following what may have been an indulgent December? For those of you making a conscious choice to detoxify at this time of year, I want to as unpatronisingly as possible, congratulate you and support you in your choice. Because I have been there many times myself.
The hardest part of detoxifying, especially from alcohol (and drugs) is not a physical struggle but the emotional one. So in my latest blog post I want to share with you my 7 favourite herbs for detoxing the body whilst supporting you with the types of emotions that arise as we detox. Read on to find out more…
Soul Retrieval
Soul retrieval is a profound healing journey that can help you reconnect with lost parts of yourself, such as creativity, passion, and vitality. This ancient technique, often used by Shamanic Practitioners, involves recovering and reintegrating 'lost soul parts' that may have been forgotten or blocked due to trauma or life experiences.
Resting in the Winter Light: A Yuletide Tradition
The winter solstice, the longest night of the year, marks a turning point. It's a time when the sun begins its journey back, promising longer days and renewed life. In ancient times, this pivotal moment was celebrated at Solstice, followed by Yuletide, 12 days of rest, reflection, and rejuvenation before we return renewed at New Year.
The Shaman's Way: 13 Moon Journey vs. Immersion
As you embark on your Shamanic journey, it's essential to choose the path that resonates with your unique needs and pace. In this post, we'll delve into two transformative offerings: The Shaman's Way 13 Moon Journey and Immersion
The Medicine of Energy Healing: Reiki, Seichem, Hollow Bone and More
The Magic of Energy Healing: Reiki, Seichem, Hollow Bone and More. So, what is the difference and how does one choose which to work with?
The Chakras in Mayan Shamanism
In this Mayan system, there are 7 chakras in the body, plus the 2 sky chakras - 8th within our luminous body above our heads, and 9th in the great beyond.
Our chakras work best for us when they are open and spinning in a clockwise direction, the same direction as the spiral arms of the galaxies. Blockages in chakras or closed chakras can prevent us from being able to physically manifest our dreams and desires, heal and become whole, no matter how much physical effort we put in.
Drum Birthing: A Sacred Journey
Birthing your own Shamanic Drum is a truly magical, and sacred experience.
When we craft shamanic drums they are more than instruments; they are portals to the spirit world.
We birth our drums within a sacred ceremonial space, we invoke the energies of the tree beings and animal spirits asking them to gift us their medicine, as we rebirth them into a drum being.
Plant Spirit Medicine: A Path of Personal Healing and Spiritual Transformation
Discover the transformative power of plant spirit medicine.
Unlock the secrets of ancient wisdom and harness the healing energy of nature. Learn practical techniques to connect with plants on a spiritual level, from creating sacred altars to crafting potent herbal remedies. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock your inner healer.
Energy Cleansing Rituals
Are you feeling drained, overwhelmed, or just off-kilter?
It might be time to cleanse your energy field. Often overlooked, our energy bodies can accumulate negativity, affecting our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Here are seven powerful methods to help you restore balance and vitality.
Hosting a Cosmic Cacao Ceremony linked to the Moon Cycles
I find the most powerful ceremonies I host are the ones I link to the power of the moon cycles. The astrology of the moon cycle is a potent predictor of the kind of energy we are working with in ceremony.
Mint Cacao Chip Ice Cream: A Refreshing ‘Healthy-ish’ Homemade Treat
There's nothing quite like a homemade ice cream on a hot day. And this Mint Cacao Chip recipe is the perfect blend of refreshing mint and rich, indulgent cacao.
Raise Your Vibration Fast: Three Simple Shamanic Drumming Techniques
Discover the power of rhythm to elevate your spirit with Shamanic Drumming and Plant Spirit Medicine Woman.
In this video, she shares three transformative drum rhythms designed to raise your vibration and connect with spirit.
The Sacred Art of Birthing A Shamanic Drum
I experienced my first drum birthing around 9 years ago. I had been working with a vegan shamanic frame drum before that time for around 20 years quite happily. Until I birthed my own, the profound connection to this drum, that I birthed into being, rocked my world!
Unleashing Ancestral Power: How To Craft Your Own Sacred Altar
In a world that often moves at a breakneck pace, honouring and connecting with our ancestors is essential. Ancestor altars are a beautiful way to celebrate the lives and wisdom of those who came before us.
How to Create a Mandala Ceremony in Nature
In this enchanting video, Sorrel guides us through the ancient art of creating a mandala ceremony, a sacred practice that bridges the realms of spirit and nature. Join us as we embark on a journey to connect with the elements, express our intentions, and manifest our dreams through the language of symbols.
Unlock The Magic: The Ultimate Guide To Preparing Ceremonial Cacao
Join Sorrell Robbins of Plant Spirit Medicine Woman to learn how to prepare your Cacao for Ceremony.