Drum Birthing: A Sacred Journey

Birthing your own Shamanic Drum is a truly magical, and sacred experience. When we craft shamanic drums they are more than instruments; they are portals to the spirit world. We birth our drums within a sacred ceremonial space, we invoke the energies of the tree beings and animal spirits asking them to gift us their medicine, as we rebirth them into a drum being. 

As Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, unique to my workshops, I also teach how to weave in plant medicines, crystals, feathers, and symbols to create a drum with a powerful and meaningful spiritual connection. Each drum becomes a channel for sacred drum medicine that is distinct to each drum birther.

Honouring Tradition

Rooted in Lakota traditions, the drum-making process I teach, as my Lakota teachers taught me, ensures our drum’s durability and a powerful resonant voice. We want to be able to use our drums for a lifetime of spiritual connection, to heal and to dream, to play and to activate our power. I don't follow these traditions just because I was told to do it this way, I have tried and tested many different drum birthing techniques, and I stay true to the Lakota way, because it works, and creates the best-sounding drums, that last a lifetime! 

Connecting With Your Drum's Spirit

As the drums take shape and are ready to tell us about their gifts, I guide you on a shamanic journey to meet its spirit. This profound connection will reveal its unique medicine and perhaps even its spirit name. This can be a very emotional and always beautiful experience of connection, described by participants as like meeting their new best friend or falling in love.

Blessing Your Drum: A Sacred Rite

Just as a newborn receives blessings, we bestow sacred blessings upon our drums. Invoking the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and ether, we'll express gratitude and welcome our new drum companions into the world with a sacred ritual practice that honours the spirit of our new drums as a new member of our family.

The Magic of the First Song

Once your drum is birthed, they will need a little time to rest to dry fully. During this time, you can keep them close, I like to keep my newborn drum babies with me in the bedroom, and welcome the spirit of this being into my dream space. After a few days of drying, your drum will be ready to share its voice, and the first time you play your drum will be a magical moment. The vibrations are felt in our hearts and connect with us deeply in our soul.

Creating Your Drum Wand: A Magical Touch

To enhance your drumming experience, I love to assist participants in crafting a drum wand (a magical drum stick). We create these wands from natural materials and decorate them with feathers, fabrics, crystals, and even snakeskin. Each piece is added with awareness of the symbolism and medicine they bring, to make them truly unique. Your drum wand will amplify your drum's voice and infuse your playing with power and intention.

Embracing Nature's Wisdom

During my next drum birthing workshop this Autumn Equinox, we'll be tapping into the deep wisdom and healing power of the natural world. Working with the spirit of oak as our drum’s frame, a symbol of strength and resilience, and the hide of the sacred buffalo rebirthed as our drum’s face and lacing, representing abundance and community, these nature spirits will guide our journey.

Healing with a Rattle: A Lakota Tradition

I’ll also be teaching you how to make a traditional Lakota rattle, filled with 405 stones. These stones represent the 405 spirit guides who support us on our life’s journey. By using your rattle, you'll connect directly with the spirit world and harness its healing and cleansing power.

Embrace the Call of the Spirit this Equinox

The oak and buffalo, ancient guardians of the land, beckon us to join them on a sacred healing drum journey. Are you ready to answer their call? Together, we'll birth our drums, connecting with the spirit world and unlocking the healing power within ourselves. Let's come together as a community, remembering our spiritual selves, our strength, and our power.

Don't miss this opportunity to experience the magic of drum birthing. Register now for our transformative 2-day workshop!


The Munay Ki Rites: A Gentle Path to Shamanic Power