The Munay Ki Rites: A Gentle Path to Shamanic Power

The Munay Ki Rites originate from the Laika Tribe and are said to be over 104,000 years old. They passed down within the tribe until the mid-1990s when they received a spiritual message that it was time for humanity to evolve faster, and they began to share these with all who were willing to receive them.

There are 9 initiations in total. The Healers Rite, Bands of Power Rite, Seers Rite, Harmony Rite, Daykeepers Rite, Earthkeppers Rite, Wisdom Keepers Rite, Star Keepers Rite and the Creator Rite.

Originally the first 8 rites were passed down to children within the Laika tribe, starting from the age of 13 every year until the final rite at age 21. The final 9th rite allows the receiver to then pass on these rites to others, which was not a rite offered to all, but chosen ones as a great honour and responsibility.

Now we have permission to share all 9 rites because the prophecy says it is time for us to evolve as human beings into a new type of human, one which is nonviolent, and can help Mother Earth reach her highest potential, bringing harmony to life on Earth. This is a great test for our generation and the generations to follow. Can we achieve the task of bringing harmony and balance to Earth, after so much suffering and destruction? 

The Munay Ki rites can help us to step into our power as the healers, seers, protectors and creators we all have the potential to be. These rites are for all humanity and I have been blessed with the opportunity to share them with you, through the lineage of the 4 Winds Society, the Laika Tribe and the Q’ero Shamans who passed them down through my teachers to me. The rites are also able to be shared much more quickly, rather than 1 per year, now I gift one per month over 9 months, to allow for their full integration, each rite becoming a foundation for the next one to follow

The experience I have with my students who join my Shamanic Path training and receive these initiations has been beautiful, intense and somewhat mind-blowing. Each person uniquely receives the rites, sensing them sometimes in a physical way, or sometimes more subtly, as their consciousness shifts and they begin to trust their power as creators of the new world, in harmony with all our relations.

I could write a book on this complex subject and perhaps one day I will! But for now, I am excited to continue to share these rites practically, to guide people through the shamanic shifts in consciousness, and the healing potential they hold for us and others we are connected to. 

I have gifted these rites to people from all walks of life. I see how these rites heal and empower, changing people, as they evolve, like a caterpillar evolves magically into a butterfly, with ease and grace. These rites help you to see with more clarity, protect you, activate the healer within, create a sense of harmony and balance with the natural world, help you activate your unique spiritual gifts, and help you step into your power on both a personal and professional level.

In the Shaman’s Way course, I share these initiations as part of a 13-moon journey we take together. Along with other shamanic practices to help you heal your life in ways you may not even have considered possible, and take these gifts for life, and share them with others too should you wish to. 

At the time of writing, there are just 2 1 place left on our training beginning in October. I would love to hear from you if you are interested in learning more about this course evolved from 3 decades of study and training with shamanic practitioners from around the world. 

The Munay Ki Rites in More Detail:

  1. Healer Rite - Similar to a Rei-ki initiation. This rite awakens the healer within you. Your hands become healing hands, and all you touch will receive love and light as you become a channel for this source energy.

  2. Bands of Power - Five luminous belts that are woven into the luminous energy field for essential protection. They protect you from outside negative energies and also begin the process of removing past trauma, including inherited epigenetic wounds their effects on the energy body, and thereby healing you down to the DNA level. 

  3. Harmony Rite - Transmission of the seven Mayan Archetypes into the chakras. Helps you combust the psychic sludge that builds up in your chakras so that your chakras can shine with their original light as you acquire a rainbow body. Empowering and strengthening your soul and body.

  4. Seers Rite - Extra-cerebral pathways of light are installed that connect the visual cortex with the third eye and the heart chakra. This awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and spirit through the heart and the third eye, activating your ability to vision with more clarity, perceive and act with love.

  5. Daykeepers Rite - Connects you to a lineage of master healers from the past. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine divine, step beyond fear, and practise peace from within. Connect with the flow of time as we journey through the cycles of our lives and lead others with the graceful power of a goddess. 

  6. Wisdom Keepers Rite - Connects you to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings and taste infinity. This rite helps us to connect with our own past lives as wise elders and integrate life’s gifts into our present.

  7. Earthkeepers Rite - Connects you to a lineage of archangels that are the guardians of our galaxy and our Earth. It helps you learn the ways of the seer and to dream your world into being. We are here as Earth angels, let us remember how to live as one, and walk in beauty. 

  8. Starkeepers Rite - This rite anchors and keeps you safely to the time after the great change that was foretold in 2012.  We are collectively stepping into the new age, and our physical body benefits from this rite as it helps us to evolve into homo luminous. This is a rite that can help us to heal physical wounds and help our body be strong as we age without the experience of weakness, or disease. Also seeing the future as a place where all beings are happy and free, living in harmony - to create this vision we need to believe it is possible and take action to help it manifest. This rite is a seed offered towards the growth of this new age and new world. 

  9. Creators Rite - Awakens the Creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. We are all shamans, we are all creators. Most of us are unconscious of how we create, thai rite awakens our consciousness as we begin to create from a palace of awareness we have more power than ever before.

The Munay Ki Rites are a gentle yet powerful path of healing, harmony and empowerment not just for us as individuals but collectively, for our Earth and our future generations. 

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we'll explore the Munay Ki Rites, their profound benefits, and how they can help you step into your power and contribute to a harmonious world.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Click here to learn more about my Shaman's Way course and the Munay Ki Rites.


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