Plant Spirit Medicine: A Path of Personal Healing and Spiritual Transformation

When I began training as a Herbalist, I took on a BSc(Hons) degree programme as a scientist. No part of me was interested in the spiritual qualities of the plants. But it wasn't long before I discovered, by experimenting and experiencing the marvels of herbal medicine, that plant medicine is not just a physical phenomenon, plants have spiritual gifts to share with us too!

A new study led by the University of Bristol concludes that plants have been on our planet for 500 million years, whilst humans, in homo sapien form have been here for only 300,000 years! Plants are much more evolved than us, and I like to think of them as wise elders. Plants are great providers, they feed us, clothe us, provide fuel and warmth, and clean our water supplies and our air. And of course, they offer us medicine too, including spiritual medicine, affecting our consciousness, transforming our emotions and even shifts our beliefs. 

My first teacher in plant spirit medicine was a Romany gypsy couple I met through a Herbalist colleague way back in 1996. They explained how each plant has an intention and a teaching to share with us. We can connect in many ways, beginning with looking at a plant as a ‘person’, a conscious being and inviting it to share its medicine with us in all its forms. I was up for discovering this truth for myself. So I began communing with plants in a shamanic way, journeying to meet the spirit of the plants I was selling in the herbal shop I worked in and getting great results on both a personal level and with my clients in the university training clinic. 

More recently the term plant spirit medicine has been associated with the psychedelic path, but this has not been the case with plant shamans I have trained with. Plants have many lessons for us. Rarely they are strong psychedelics, and this is wonderful if you want to follow this path - however, it is by no means necessary to take psychedelics to experience the power and spiritually transformative qualities of plant spirit medicine.

When I practise plant spirit medicine, I work with an individual plant for a moon cycle. I create an altar, I drink the tea, tincture and a vibrational essence, I use the infused or essential oil in a self-massage, I sit with it in meditation, sketch it, and invite it into my dream time, placing it under my pillow. I journal and I notice the synchronicities, the experiences that show up in my life and what they teach me, the shifts in my thought patterns and emotions as well as my physical body.

I am called ‘Plant Spirit Medicine Woman’ because the plants told me this would be my natural name during a sacred tobacco ceremony. The spirit of tobacco whispered my new name in my ear and I chose to fully embrace this role in service to the plant people, Pachamama and great spirit. Each plant teaches me something new and heals me a little more. I have some favourites, and many of these are the herbs I include in my training ‘The Shaman’s Way’. And I love to teach others how to connect to plants in ways that become powerfully healing, spiritually awakening and help them to become plant spirit medicine people too.

Today, I share 7 ways to connect with the spiritual medicine of plants. I hope you enjoy reading and exploring these methods and perhaps experimenting.

I’d love to hear what happens for you, and what messages the plant shares as you listen in a new way, open your heart, and your mind to become a plant spirit medicine person too. 

1 - Cold-Infused Hibiscus & Rose Elixir

Want a refreshing drink that fosters passion, self-love and spiritual protection? Cold-infuse hibiscus and rose for a delicate and floral elixir.

Here's how:

  1. Combine: In a glass pitcher, add a large spoonful of dried hibiscus flowers and rose petals.

  2. Infuse: Pour filtered water over the flowers and petals. Cover and place in the sun for about 4 hours, or overnight in a fridge. For freshness, keep refrigerated following the 4-hour sun-infusion process.

  3. Strain: Strain the infusion into a glass, discarding the solids.

  4. Enjoy: On a hot day, serve chilled, sweetened with honey or agave if desired. For a fancy touch, garnish with a rose petal or edible flower.

Perfect for a hot day! 🌹🌺

Spiritual qualities of Hibiscus

  • Associated with: Love, passion, beauty, and protection.

  • Spiritual properties: Often used in rituals for love attraction and enhancing personal magnetism. Believed to open the heart chakra and foster self-love.

Spiritual qualities of Rose

  • Associated with: Love, beauty, passion, healing, and protection.

  • Spiritual properties: Symbolises divine love and is often used in rituals for love, healing, and protection. Known to promote emotional balance and inner peace.

2 - Mugwort Magic: Expanding Consciousness & Lucid Dreaming

Mugwort, with its silvery-green leaves and potent aroma, has been revered for centuries for its spiritual and medicinal properties. Beyond its culinary and herbal uses, mugwort is recognised for its potential to influence consciousness and dream states.

When transformed into a flower essence, mugwort's energetic properties are believed to be harnessed subtly yet profoundly. Many people report experiencing heightened awareness, deeper meditation, and vivid dreams after using mugwort flower essence.

For me, it increases my ability to lucid dream - a state of consciousness where you are aware that you are dreaming and can take control of the dream. Mugwort also taught me about personal freedom, being who I am unashamedly, and not comparing myself to others! 

If you’re interested in exploring the depths of your mind and expanding your consciousness, mugwort flower essence might be a valuable tool. Remember, personal experiences vary, and what works for one person may not work for another.

It's essential to approach this journey with an open mind and a willingness to experiment. It is safe in this form, but do consult a Medical Herbalist if you have any health concerns, or are pregnant or breastfeeding to ensure you are working safely with this powerful medicine. 

Have you tried mugwort flower essence? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Spiritual qualities of Mugwort

  • Associated with: Intuition, dreams, protection, and psychic abilities.

  • Spiritual properties: Often used in dreamwork to enhance prophetic dreams and connect with spiritual guides. Believed to strengthen psychic abilities and provide protection from negative energies.

3 - Rosemary: Nature's Memory Booster and Historical Heirloom

Rosemary, that fragrant herb often found in our kitchens, has been cherished for centuries for its culinary and medicinal properties. But did you know it also has the potential to boost your brainpower?

Beyond its delicious flavour, rosemary contains compounds shown to improve memory and cognitive function. The magic lies in its essential oil, which can be inhaled or applied topically.

How can rosemary oil enhance your memory?

  • Aromatherapy: Inhaling the scent of rosemary oil has been linked to improved memory and alertness. Try using a diffuser or adding a few drops to a tissue.

  • Topical application: Diluting rosemary oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba and massaging it into your temples can also stimulate the mind.

  • Rosemary crown: when you make a herbal crown, you can inhale the fragrance and wear the plant next to your third eye for a deeper spiritual connection to this plant spirit medicine.

Rosemary's connection to memory runs deeper than just its potential cognitive benefits. Historically, it was often used in remembrance rituals and funerals. Ancient Greeks and Romans wore rosemary crowns at weddings to symbolise fidelity and remembrance. In medieval times, it was carried by mourners at funerals and planted on graves to aid the deceased's journey to the afterlife. This historical association with memory and remembrance adds an extra layer of significance to this remarkable herb.

How to Make a Rosemary Crown


  • Fresh rosemary clippings

  • Floristry wire

  • Wire cutters


  1. Measure your head: Wrap a piece of string or ribbon around your head where you want the crown to sit. Overlap the ends and mark the measurement.

  2. Cut the wire: Cut a piece of floristry wire slightly longer than your head measurement.

  3. Create the base: Shape the wire into a circular frame. Overlap the ends and twist them together securely.

  4. Prepare rosemary: Gather your rosemary clippings. You'll want a variety of lengths for a fuller crown.

  5. Start wiring: Take a rosemary sprig and wrap the base of the stem with a short piece of floral wire. Twist the wire around the base of the crown, securing the sprig in place.

  6. Continue adding rosemary: Add more rosemary sprigs, overlapping them slightly to create a dense crown. Use the floral wire to secure each sprig to the base.

  7. Adjust and shape: As you add more rosemary, adjust the position of the sprigs to create a balanced and even crown. You can also shape the crown to fit your head comfortably.

  8. Finish: Once the crown is full to your liking, wrap any remaining wire around the base to secure it firmly.


  • For a thicker crown, use more rosemary sprigs.

  • Experiment with different rosemary lengths and placements for a unique look.

  • If the rosemary is too dry, it might be brittle. Handle it gently.

Enjoy your homemade rosemary crown!

Spiritual qualities of Rosemary

  • Associated with: Memory, clarity, protection, and purification.

  • Spiritual properties: Often used to enhance mental focus and clarity. Believed to strengthen memory and provide protection against negative energies.

Do you use rosemary oil? Share your experiences in the comments below!

4 - Lavender Luxury: A Spiritual Soak

Lavender, with its calming and soothing properties, has been cherished for centuries. There’s something undeniably magical about transforming a simple bath into a sacred ritual. Let’s explore how to harness the power of lavender and its essential oil for a deeply rejuvenating and spiritually uplifting experience.

Creating Your Sanctuary

  • Choose Your Space: Transform your bathroom into a tranquil oasis. Light some candles, play soft, calming music, and dim the lights.

  • Gather Your Ingredients: Lavender essential oil is the star of the show, but you can enhance the experience with other oils like chamomile or ylang-ylang. Epsom salts or bath bombs can elevate the luxury factor.

The Ritual Begins

  • Intention Setting: Before stepping in, take a moment to set your intention. What do you hope to gain from this ritual? Relaxation, clarity, or emotional release?

  • The Bath: Fill your tub with warm water, bubbles or salts and add your chosen essential oils and salts. A few drops of lavender oil is usually sufficient.

  • Mindful Immersion: As you submerge yourself, focus on your breath. Allow the warm water to wash away tension and stress. Visualise negative energy draining from your body.

  • Sensory Delight: Engage your senses. Inhale the calming aroma of lavender, feel the warmth of the water on your skin, and listen to the soothing sounds around you.

  • Meditation and Gratitude: Use this time to meditate or simply reflect on the day. Express gratitude for the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate.

Post-Bath Bliss

  • Hydration: Moisturise your skin with a lavender-infused lotion to prolong the calming effects.

  • Journaling: Write about your experience. Reflecting on your thoughts and feelings can deepen the benefits of the ritual.

Remember, the key to a successful spiritual bath is consistency. Make it a regular practice to experience the transformative power of lavender and self-care.

5 - DIY Smudge Sticks: Harness the Power of Your Garden

Create a calming and cleansing ritual with your homemade sage smudge stick.

Smudging is an ancient practice used to purify spaces and promote spiritual well-being. While you can purchase smudge sticks, creating your own from your garden sage is a rewarding and eco-friendly option.

What You'll Need

  • Fresh sage from your garden

  • Natural twine or string

  • Scissors


  1. Harvest your sage: Choose a sunny day to harvest your sage. Cut the stems to your desired length.

  2. Create the bundle: Gather your sage stalks together and tie them securely at one end with your twine. Use a natural twine like cotton or hemp, and not plastic as this will also burn when you light your smudge stick.

  3. Wrap and secure: Continue wrapping the twine around the bundle, overlapping as you go, until the entire bundle is covered. Tie off the end.

  4. Dry your smudge stick: Hang your bundle upside down in a warm, dry place for about a week or until completely dry.

Using Your Smudge Stick

Once your smudge stick is dry, light one end and let it burn for a moment before gently blowing it out to create smoke. Wave the smouldering stick around your space, setting an intention for purification.

Remember: Always use caution when burning anything. Ensure your smudge stick is burning in a safe, fire-resistant container and keep it away from flammable materials.

Enjoy the benefits of this simple yet powerful ritual and connect with the healing energy of your garden.

Spiritual qualities of Sage

  • Associated with: Wisdom, clarity, purification, and protection.

  • Spiritual properties: Considered a sacred herb with strong cleansing properties. Used in smudging rituals to purify spaces and people. Believed to enhance mental clarity and wisdom

6 - Peppermint and Cacao: A Ceremony for Clarity

Have you ever felt the need to clear the mental fog and achieve a state of pure clarity? Combining the invigorating properties of peppermint with the heart-opening energy of cacao can create a potent meditation experience.

Peppermint: Known for its stimulating and cooling effects, peppermint is often used to enhance focus and mental clarity. Its refreshing aroma can awaken the senses and uplift the spirit.

Cacao: A sacred plant medicine, cacao is revered for its ability to connect us with our hearts and open our intuition. It promotes feelings of love, joy, and gratitude.

Creating Your Ceremony

  1. Prepare your space: Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Create a serene atmosphere with soft lighting, candles, or incense.

  2. Set your intention: Before you begin, take a few moments to reflect on your intention for the meditation. What do you hope to achieve? Clarity, focus, or simply a deeper connection with yourself?

  3. Prepare your brew: Choose one of the following methods:

    • Method 1: Ceremonial Cacao with Peppermint Essential Oil

      • Prepare your ceremonial cacao according to your preferred method.

      • Once the cacao is ready, add a single drop of high-quality peppermint essential oil to the mug. Stir gently.

    • Method 2: Cacao Husk and Peppermint Tea Blend

      • Combine equal parts cacao husk and dried peppermint leaves.

      • Steep the blend in hot water for 5-10 minutes.

      • Strain and sweeten with honey or agave syrup if desired.

  4. Mindful consumption: As you sip your cacao and peppermint brew, focus on the sensations in your body. Notice the warmth of the liquid, the taste of the cacao, and the refreshing coolness of the peppermint.

  5. Deepen your meditation: Once you feel grounded, close your eyes and begin to meditate. Visualise the peppermint essence clearing away any mental clutter, leaving your mind fresh and clear. Allow the cacao to open your heart and connect you with your inner wisdom.

  6. Grounding: After your meditation, take a few moments to ground yourself. Connect with your body and the present moment. Journal about your experience if desired.

Remember, this is just a suggestion. Feel free to personalize your ceremony to suit your own needs and preferences. By combining the power of peppermint and cacao, you can create a transformative experience that promotes clarity, focus, and inner peace.

Spiritual qualities of Peppermint

  • Associated with: Clarity, energy, purification, and protection.

  • Spiritual properties: Known for its invigorating and cleansing properties. Used to clear mental fog and enhance focus. Believed to provide protection against negative influences.

7 - Honouring the Rose Spirit: A Moon Cycle Altar

Connecting with the spirit of a plant is a deeply enriching spiritual practice. Each plant has a different healing gift and wisdom to share with us. The rose, with its beauty, fragrance, and symbolism, is a compelling choice for an altar dedication.

Here's a simple guide to creating a rose altar and meditating with it for a lunar cycle. 

Creating Your Rose Altar

  1. Choose a sacred space: Find a quiet corner in your home where you can dedicate a small space to your altar.

  2. Gather your items: Collect objects that resonate with the rose, some helpful suggestions are:

    • A small statue or image of a rose

    • Rose quartz crystal

    • Dried rose petals or fresh roses (if available)

    • A candle

    • Incense with a rose or floral scent

    • A journal and pen

  3. Arrange your altar: Place items on a small table or shelf, creating a visually appealing and harmonious arrangement.

Meditating with Your Rose Altar

  • Daily connection: Spend a few minutes each day sitting in front of your altar. Light the candle, and take a few deep breaths. Focus on the rose's energy and its qualities: love, beauty, passion, and healing. You may also wish to drink some Rose tea or take the flower essence to physically embody the rose as you meditate with her. 

  • Moon cycle meditation: As the moon waxes and wanes, deepen your connection to the rose spirit through meditation.

    • New Moon: Plant the seed of intention. What do you wish to cultivate in your life? 

    • Waxing Moon: Focus on growth and expansion. Visualise your intentions blossoming like a Rose.

    • Full Moon: Release and let go. Use this time for gratitude and abundance, and ask the spirit of Rose to help you release anything holding you back from the life you wish to create.

    • Waning Moon: Release what no longer serves you. Focus on inner peace and renewal. You might also enjoy a herbal Rose bath ritual at a phase of the moon. Invite the spirit of Rose to assist you in cleansing you and nourishing your mind, body and spirit.

Journaling Your Experience

Keep a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and insights during this moon cycle. Document your experiences, dreams, and any synchronicities you encounter.

Remember: This is a personal journey. Feel free to add or remove items from your altar as you connect with the rose spirit. The most important aspect is your intention and consistency in your practice.

By honouring the rose spirit in this way, you invite a deeper connection to nature, self-love, and spiritual growth.

Want to deepen your connection with Plant Spirit Medicine?

My biggest healing gift to the world is the “Shaman’s Way Course”, which has evolved out of 30 years of training and experience.

This is a year-long journey with a small circle of participants all aligning with the purpose of self-healing and learning the shamanic arts and plant spirit medicine.

Each time we meet, once a month in a sacred circle, we clear old energies that no longer serve us, receive sacred shamanic initiations passed down to me from the Q’ero Shamans of Peru, heal with herbs, and align with our highest selves.

I teach the shamanic and herbal cleansing practices in detail, giving you the confidence to integrate these methods into your own life, and potentially into the healing practices you offer to others. This intricate shamanic healing course is very complex to describe as it contains so much information and experience, yet as I guide you step by step on this transformational path, it feels like a path of ease and grace. 

Our next cohort begins in October 2024, with only 2 places left!

We work in a small circle so you get my full attention and guidance throughout a year of transformational shamanic practices and plant spirit medicine.

I am ready to be your guide on this healing path, step by step, we will learn how to transform our pain into peace and confusion into clarity, to create the life of our dreams with the spiritual assistance that is available to us.


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