Energy Cleansing Rituals
Are you feeling drained, overwhelmed, or just off-kilter?
It might be time to cleanse your energy field. Often overlooked, our energy bodies can accumulate negativity, affecting our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Here are seven powerful methods to help you restore balance and vitality:
1. Sacred Bath: A Soaking Ritual for Renewal
Create a sanctuary of relaxation and release by infusing your bathwater with carefully selected herbs known for their cleansing properties.
My favourites are rose, lavender, calendula and chamomile. I create a brew of these herbs, about a handful of each, in a big saucepan with 1 to 2 litres of boiled water, and leave it to steep for 10 minutes as the bath runs.
Then add the infusion to the bath, straining through a sieve to remove the flowers. You can add the whole brew flowers and all to the bath, it just involves a lot more cleaning up afterwards!
Light a candle to invite positive energy into your space, and as you settle into your bath, set a clear intention to release negativity and invite in positive energy. Asking the herbs and the water to be your ally in this process. You might also like to play some gentle meditation music as you release mental chatter and soften into the cleansing of your mind, body and spirit.
Imagine as you empty the bath, your heavy thoughts and feelings draining away with ease, leaving you lighter and brighter. When you are ready, blow out the candle, sending your positive prayers into the heavens with the smoke as it ascends.
2. Harnessing the Power of Smoke and Herbs
Smudging is an ancient practice, which involves using the smoke of burning herbs to purify your aura and environment.
I love to use Palo Santo daily to cleanse my energy.
Palo santo, meaning "holy wood" in Spanish, traditionally used in South American spiritual practices, is revered for its cleansing and purifying properties.
Its aromatic smoke, with notes of citrus and pine, dispels negative energy, creating a calm and uplifting atmosphere.
By wafting the smoke around myself, another person or a space, I cleanse the aura, promote relaxation, and invite positive energy, fostering a sense of balance and well-being.
Unveiling Your Inner Light
You can learn about the specific benefits of different herbs like sage, frankincense or cedar, and how to conduct a proper smudging ceremony in my free book.
3. Crystal Clarity: Aligning Your Energy Field
Crystals are powerful tools for energy healing and cleansing. These natural wonders can help clear away negative energy, creating space for positive vibrations to flourish.
By working with crystals, you can harmonise your energy field and promote overall well-being.
Experiment with different crystals to discover their unique properties.
For instance, wearing green aventurine can help shift negative thoughts, while placing selenite in your home's corners or on windowsills can purify the environment. Obsidian offers protection and can be worn as jewellery or placed on an altar for spiritual grounding.
Remember, crystals are a wonderful addition to your self-care routine, but it's essential to trust your intuition when choosing and working with them. Learn more in my free book, Unveiling Your Inner Light. You might also be interested in:
Extraction & Illumination Healing Workshop
Sunday 8th - Monday 9th September. Margate, Kent, UK
Join us for an enlightening and transformative in-person event at Plant Spirit Medicine Woman’s healing space. Immerse yourself in the ancient practice of shamanic healing and discover the power of extraction and illumination techniques utilising crystals, smoke, feathers and energy healing techniques learnt from the Shamans of Peru and North America.
4. Shamanic Rattle Resonance: Vibrational Healing
Shamanic rattles have been used for centuries to create sacred sound vibrations that cleanse and purify the energy field.
It is very easy to learn how to use a rattle to clear energetic blockages. You can buy shamanic rattles, or make your own - we have a Buffalo and Oak Shamanic Drumming Workshop this September.
I was once blessed to be taught how to make a rattle by Black Elk Wallace’s Grandson, in the Lakota tradition, with deer hide to heal the heart, and with 405 stones to represent my 405 spirit guides. This shamanic instrument is my most powerful cleansing rattle, and it has an extra long handle to reach all the way around my back.
We can use rattles in the same way we smudge with smoke, moving the rattle through the energy field from head to toe, holding the intention to clear any negative energy and touching the rattle to the floor as we come to the end, gifting the energies released to Mama Earth to eat up and compost, so it can be reformed into nurturing energy.
Buffalo & Oak Shamanic Drum & Rattle Birthing Workshop
Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd September, 2024, Margate, Kent, UK.
Craft your very own shamanic frame drum, drum wand and rattle in just two transformational days.
5. Energy Cleansing
Your aura consists of 3 main layers.
The outer layer is for protection, a shield.
The middle layer is where our emotions are most affected - if something gets through the shield we can feel triggered.
The inner layer is our physical body - when something or someone really hurts us deeply, we might feel it as a broken heart, or a stab in the back.
When we cleanse and strengthen each layer, it leaves us feeling protected and empowered.
In my FREE BOOK - Unveiling Your Inner Light, I share with you in detail the method the Q’ero Shamans taught me to cleanse my energy field with just my hands and intention. You may also be interested in:
Extraction and Illumination Healing Workshop
Sunday 8th - Monday 9th September, 2024, Margate, Kent, UK
Immerse yourself in the ancient practice of shamanic healing and discover the power of extraction and illumination techniques. This workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn and experience the profound healing potential of shamanic practices learnt from Peruvian and North American Shamans.
6. Chanting for Clarity: The Power of Sacred Sound
The sonic vibrations created by chanting can have a profound impact on your energy field. Incorporating chanting into your daily routine can have profound effects on the mind, body and spirit, helping to cultivate inner peace and release negativity.
My favourite chant was taught to me by the teacher Dr Kulreet Chaudhary, a neurologist who incorporates Ayurveda and sound medicine into her healing practice with incredible results! She is the author of the book Sound Medicine, a fascinating and insightful book.
Her chakra mantra is available to purchase via her website.
This mantra consists of a powerful series of ancient Sanskrit bija mantras, or seed sounds, which are single-syllable frequencies used in yogic and Ayurvedic traditions to activate the body's energetic centres, known as chakras. By listening to and chanting this mantra sound bath daily for 20 minutes, the energy centres of the body are enlivened, cleared and realigned, which promotes health and well-being.
Of course, there are many other chants available, explore and find ones that resonate with you most powerfully, and practice daily for best results.
7. Journaling Your Way to Freedom: The Warrior Heart Practice
Journaling is a powerful tool for emotional release and self-discovery.
I journal using the "warrior heart" practice, a Toltec shamanic journaling method for identifying and transforming negative thoughts into positive intentions and actions.
I use this method daily to eliminate negative thoughts and align with my positive intentions. I have experienced incredible results using this Toltec technique and it has literally been life-changing. As we create our reality from our thoughts, we can all benefit from being more conscious of what we are creating, by uncovering those unconscious thought patterns bringing them into the light and clearing thoughts that do not serve our highest good!
To learn more about this practice read:
You may like to explore other forms of journaling such as gratitude journaling, or art journals which are my daughters favourite way to process her feelings and soften before bedtime. Journaling offers us a moment of self reflection, and a safe space to process emotions and release negative energy.
In Summary
Shamanism is all about energy! We need to continually cleanse our energy to maintain our power and presence in this world and create the life we dream of, rather than live in a world we wish to escape from.
You probably all know by now that teaching the art of Shamanism is a huge passion of mine! Mostly, because it healed my life - it literally saved me from suicidal ideation and destructive behaviours I used to help me get through the pain and traumas of my life!
In the same way that Tracey Emin says Art saved her - I would not be here if it wasn’t for the Shamans, Herbalists and Healers that helped me heal from the wounds of this lifetime and the epigenetic wounds of my ancestors.
My biggest healing gift to the world is the “Shaman’s Way Course”, which has evolved out of 30 years of training and experience. This is a year-long journey with a small circle of participants all aligning with the purpose of self-healing and learning the shamanic arts and plant spirit medicine. Each time we meet, once a month in a sacred circle, we clear old energies that no longer serve us and align with our highest selves. I teach the shamanic and herbal cleansing practices in detail, giving you the confidence to integrate these methods into your own life, and potentially into the healing practices you offer to others. This is just one element of the course, it is very complex, but simple too as I guide you step by step on this transformational path.
Our next cohort begins in October 2024, with only 4 places left! We work in a small circle so you get my full attention and guidance throughout a year of transformational shamanic practices and plant spirit medicine. I am ready to be your guide on this healing path, step by step, we will learn how to transform our pain into peace and confusion into clarity, to create the life of our dreams with the spiritual assistance that is available to us.
The Shaman’s Way
Starts October 2024.
Only FOUR places left.
Payment instalment plans available.