Connecting, Cleansing and Healing with the Nature Spirits

This April New Moon, we will Journey with Gongs and Cacao (optional). I will guide you through a Mayan Ceremonial practice that connects us with the 5 elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether with each of our chakras. As we do this practice together, we invite the elementals into our energy field, allowing it to clean our energy body, and in turn we share this energy with them and the other elements.

In many different ancient and indigenous cultures across the globe, there are descriptions of the circle of life and medicine wheels which all incorporate the 5 elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether. No matter their origin, they all align with the same conceptual meaning. As we are made of these elements, we must be in balance for our health and well-being. We are all different, but if we strive to be in balance as much as possible we will be at our best in health and prosperity and happiness.

This ceremony may help you to connect to the elements and their physical manifestations held in the earth, the waters, the sun and moon and the stars, to empower you on your life's path. Bringing balance, comfort, cleansing, healing and a new awareness of your connections to the nature spirits, with this Mayan way of perceiving reality.

We do this by journeying together, with my words and the gongs, to help our consciousness shift into a deeper altered dreamier state, I guide you on a meditation which will lead you to connect and cleanse with the each of the nature spirits and elements.

The gongs and cacao will enhance your shamanic brain in its ability to connect deeply into different levels of awareness, going from Beta consciousness, through to alpha, delta and theta, the day-dream states where we are still awake yet able to vision as if in a dream. To awaken and to see with your shamanic brain what is all around us all the time, yet invisible to most of us with our eyes open. And of course, I will guide you home fully to your body again, so you can integrate the experience and bring home the gifts and wisdom to your everyday reality.

❤️ We can heal our world, one heart at a time - let us begin with our own ❤️ 


Soul Retrieval - Step Into Your Power, Heal Trauma & Reclaim The Gifts You Were Born With!


Connecting with our Ether Element