Soul Retrieval - Step Into Your Power, Heal Trauma & Reclaim The Gifts You Were Born With!

So what exactly is soul retrieval?

Soul retrieval is a way of remembering who we are, and reconnecting to lost parts of ourselves. Rediscovering our innate gifts, our personal power and becoming whole again.

In fact I became a shamanic practitioner because of soul retrieval, and the powerful healing effect it had on my life. I returned home from my first ever Shamanic Healing session and my boyfriend asked, in a dramatic tone, what I had done?! He said I looked inches taller, my posture was more upright, as he was an osteopath, so he had a good perspective on such matters. I felt the mostly the same, but I was now clearly standing in my power, I gained in confidence and on a more personal note, parts of my body which had become numb through trauma and abuse started experiencing physical pleasures in a way that I had forgotten was even possible. I felt happier, more excited to be alive, yet grounded and secure than I had been for as long as I could remember. 

For me soul retrieval was such a profound and life changing experience that I wanted to share this healing method with the world! It was the first shamanic healing experience I ever had, and it set me on the path to becoming a shamanic practitioner myself. 

How can soul retrieval help me heal?

When we experience soul retrieval we bring back the energy that is stuck in the past, which is still in the place of trauma, frozen in time. Soul retrieval helps to free us from our past so that we are fully present, and can consciously create a better future. We begin to heal the parts of our physical, emotional and spiritual self that were unable to shift, because they were stuck, and we can access and reintegrate our gifts, which may have been repressed for years.

Who needs soul retrieval?

Some indigenous cultures I have studied with practice soul retrieval on a daily basis, recapitulating energy lost during their day. I believe we can all benefit from soul retrieval for so many reasons, to be healed and feel truly whole, we must restore our energy from past traumas, we need to remember who we are, who we were born to be!

What are the signs and symptoms of soul loss?

  • Feeling empty, lost, or disconnected

  • A numb feeling, either physical or emotional

  • Lack of motivation or purpose

  • Depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems

  • Physical symptoms such as fatigue, pain, or digestive problems that won’t heal despite all your best efforts

  • Addictions or self-destructive behaviours

What are the causes of soul loss?

  • Trauma, such as abuse, neglect, or accidents

  • Illness or injury

  • Stressful life events, such as the death of a loved one or a job loss

  • Negative beliefs about oneself or the world

In life, traumatic events can cause parts of our soul and our consciousness to separate from us and become disconnected.

These may be physical traumas, such as a car crash, or being raped or abused. Emotional traumas where a part of our heart feels broken when someone we love dies or leaves us.

We may also cause our own trauma and soul loss, most often I see this occur when people have taken large doses of drugs or alcohol. Or we may choose to suppress a part of ourselves to survive a situation we are navigating.

Trauma can also occur when we travel, perhaps we don’t fully return after a journey abroad, and when our return home is less pleasant than our holiday, we may leave a part of ourselves on the beach.

But these soul parts still exist, energy cannot be destroyed, only stored or transformed. These soul parts are alive in spirit form, and visible to a shaman when they travel on our behalf into the spirit realms. A good shamanic guide can also teach you how to find and reintegrate soul parts for yourself.

How can we retrieve our soul parts?

Sometimes soul retrieval happens spontaneously - you remember who you were as a child before a trauma occurred, remember a core part of your personality, a skill, a passion you have left behind and reintegrate it with little effort. This can happen quite organically with other therapy styles such as hypnotherapy, psychotherapy or EFT where you spend time consciously ‘re-membering’. Spontaneous soul retrieval can also occur in our dreams.

Or you may wish to seek the support of a professional, an experienced shamanic practitioner with a good reputation. 

What happens during a soul retrieval healing session?

When working with a shamanic practitioner there are few ways that soul retrieval is practised. The most common way is for the person acting as shaman to journey for you, to enter a trance state, and travel into the spirit realm to find and recover soul parts for you. When I work in this way, I usually find between 1 and 5 parts for a person in 1 session. As I travel, I tell the story of what I am seeing, feeling and hearing from the spirits guiding me and the soul parts messages as we negotiate with them to bring them home. Then we blow these parts back into the energy body through the portals of the heart chakra and the crown chakra, and finally repair any leaks in the energy field to help them integrate fully. 

How do I prepare for the soul retrieval process?

Tune into your intentions for your healing, what would you like to recover, or how would you like to move forward on your healing path. When you begin your soul retrieval ceremony, you can set these intentions and send them out as a prayer into the quantum field - the spiritual realm and your spirit guides and the shaman you’re working with can assist you best.

How do I integrate the soul parts?

Immediately after a a soul retrieval session, it is a good idea to ensure you have a safe and calm space to relax, to give your soul parts the best chance of settling in with ease. It helps to make a little space and time for reintegration. Your shamanic guide can help with this in a follow up session or you may be happy to do this part by yourself. 

When we get our soul parts back they want our attention, they have been away from home for many years in some cases. So make space and time to sit with your soul parts and listen to them. They may need to share why they left and ask for some help integrating.

The methods I suggest are to quieten your mind, meditate and imagine them sitting with you in a circle, ask them, one by one, what you can do to help them integrate. It is often something really simple like listening to some of your favourite music from an earlier age or spending time playing a game from childhood. Engaging in an old hobby your soul part used to enjoy. These soul parts may push you a little beyond your comfort zone, as you awaken old skills, old confidence that feels unfamiliar. I encourage you to go with their flow, and do whatever it is they ask, to nurture them in the way they desire. Soon they will feel like a part of you, as you let them expand into your consciousness fully.

Is there anything I shouldn't do after a soul retrieval?

It is definitely not a good idea to drink alcohol or drugs for at least 24 hours. When we indulge in such chemicals our energy body can become leaky and we can lose these soul parts again all too easily. This is also the most common reason people pick up energies that don’t belong to them, which a good shaman will be able to extract for you if necessary. But that is another story, for another day!

What are the benefits of soul retrieval?

When we gather our energy back, we feel a sense of being whole again. This is, in my opinion, what the term ‘holiness’ means - to feel spiritually whole. The world looks more 3D. The sky looks bluer, the trees look greener. Our addictions to substances, co-dependant relationships and our bad habits may heal with ease, as we may also stop needing the things we used to fill the hole we felt from the soul loss.

In the first few weeks after soul retrieval, we can sometimes feel a bit raw like our nervous system is more sensitive because we are more fully present and more aware. This feeling softens after about 3 weeks, as we fully integrate.

 How can I experience a soul retrieval?

If you are interested in experiencing soul retrieval, please do get in touch. I have been working as a shamanic practitioner for over 27 years, and have performed thousands of successful soul retrievals. I offer soul retrieval 1-2-1 sessions at my healing practice in Margate, Kent. I also work online, and offer sessions via Zoom, but in-person experiences are recommended when possible.

Wherever you are, please be sure to do your research and find a qualified soul retrieval practitioner who can help you on your journey. Always work with someone you trust. Ideally, get a referral, or look at their qualifications to assess their suitability. There are many shamanic practitioners out there who have little training or experience. Have a conversation with them before you commit to working with them. Feel into your connection with them - does it feel good, do you feel safe and comfortable with them?

Can I learn to perform soul retrieval for others?

Yes absolutely! I have been teaching the art of soul retrieval for over 25 years, and I regularly host workshops in my clinic in Margate UK.

I always teach in small groups to ensure you get my full attention. These are practical workshops where you will experience multiple forms of soul retrieval. I share techniques I have gathered over the years from both Northern and Southern American indigenous shamanic healing traditions.

The workshop guides you through the skills required to work safely as a shamanic practitioner, avoiding psychic attacks and protecting yourself from intrusive energy attachments. I will share with you the methods I use for creating a sacred space for healing yourself and others. How to journey into the spirit world on behalf of a client, connect with your spirit guides to assist and guide you throughout the process, and see clearly in the spirit world where you are required to journey to find their soul parts and bring them home again.

During this workshop, you will also receive many healing experiences and retrieve multiple soul parts, with training in how to integrate them fully. You will heal in many ways, as you learn to heal others too. 

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Mayan Soul Retrieval Experience


Connecting, Cleansing and Healing with the Nature Spirits