Connecting With Our Air Element

This December the eve before our Solstice, we will Journey with Gongs and Cacao (optional). I will guide you on a shamanic journey to connect to your Air element.

This is the 2nd of a series of Shamanic Gong Journeys that continues over the next 4 New moons through the 5 elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether.

In many different ancient and indigenous cultures across the globe, there are descriptions of the circle of life and medicine wheels which all incorporate the 5 elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether. No matter their origin, they all align with the same conceptual meaning. As we are made of these elements, we must be in balance for our health and well-being. We are all different, but if we strive to be in balance as much as possible we will be at our best in health and prosperity and happiness.

The Air element represents our ability to vision, to be inspired, to think clearly, to analyse, rationalise, to communicate. The Air element manifests as our mind, the type of mind that is innovative and creative, tolerant and nonjudgemental, craving insight and knowledge. When we are balanced we feel inspired, we search for truth and inspire positive change in others too, we can think fast and enjoy telling stories, often with a bizarre sense of humour. When we are out of balance we can be outspoken and overly perfectionist and irritated if people are not open to their ideas, we can be ungrounded, unable to manifest our dreams into reality, taking no action - an 'air-head'. When our Air element is balanced we have can think clearly, we feel inspired, absorb new ideas with ease, and communicate them to others with ease, we are solutions focused, devoted to our path and to the people we love.

So as we approach the solstice season which is traditionally in our indigenous pagan way all about visioning, let us give ourselves some space to allow our air element to come into balance. As we allow ourselves the space and time to connect to our visioning ability - our air element can be cleansed and awakened, so we can receive messages from spirit with more ease, so we can take inspired action in our lives. When we act without thinking clearly we often make mistakes end up exhausting ourselves - which is a common feature of the modern way of moving through the Yuletide experience as we clog up our bodies with toxins and perhaps party too much. We are too often unconsciously walking the path that has been laid out for us, but does it really serve you? Or could you benefit from a rest, a retreat, a chance to release old thoughts that are holding you prisoner, and allow spirit to inspire you towards a more enjoyable path for the next year-long journey around the sun. This ceremony may help you feel into your true path, and begin the journey towards the new year with new insight and passion.

❤️ We can heal our world, one heart at a time - let us begin with our own ❤️


Connecting With Our Fire Element


Balancing our Earth Element