Finding the ‘Right’ Path
As I begin the New Year with a sense of renewed enthusiasm and passion for the work I do, I reflect with deep gratitude on what has passed.
I feel I am extremely blessed, to have worked for over 30 years in the world of Herbal Medicine and Shamanic Healing. So much wisdom and nature-based medicine methods have been passed down to me by my teachers and shamanic guides. Their teachings were almost always taught to me by word of mouth, nothing written down, in the traditional way of teaching and transmitting wisdom. As I have a dyslexic mind, I find it very helpful to take these teachings and write them in my own words, reorganise them in a way that makes sense to my mind. And although I didn't know it at the time of writing them, these writings have become the essence of how I now teach others.
I also find that having at least 3 sources of wisdom on any subject helps me to make a foundation of knowledge that remains solid, after all they say the triangle is the strongest shape, and this learning and teaching method has become my way. As I integrate Northern Native American medicine teachings, with Southern and Central American Mayan and Toltec wisdom with my own indigenous Celtic and Northern European shamanic wisdom, with an occasional smattering of Siberian Shamanism and Australian Aboriginal wisdom too.
The truth is there is no one right answer, no one right path for you or me. There are many ways to reach the top of the mountain. I offer a ‘path of grace’, the easiest and gentlest route I know, to healing, self-discovery, spiritual connection and empowerment.
This year I am offering this ‘path of grace’ in several ways, with a few short courses over 2 days, a 3-month training and a one-year pathway.
The longer paths include 2 versions of the Shaman’s Way training for those looking for a deep dive into shamanic healing for themselves, or to integrate into their healing practice.
The Shaman’s Way - 13 Moons
We’ll begin our year-long adventure with a small group of 7 exploring the Shamanic teachings and initiations based mostly on the Mayan teachings passed onto me by Q’ero Shamans.
We start our 13 Moon journey in October 2025.
We will be working with native plant medicines and shamanic teachings to help you awaken your unique gifts and navigate your life as a Shaman.
The length of the course supports deep personal healing and integration, with ample time for reflection.
The Shaman’s Way - Immersion
A second shorter 3-month immersive version of this course begins in late June.
During this training, I support you virtually throughout and we come together IRL over 2 x 1 week-long sessions to cover all the teachings and initiations in a more focused and immersive way.
This is developed for those who need to travel from abroad or find it easier to integrate the teachings in this more intensive learning style.
The immersion is also held in the summer months of June/July & September (not school holidays) so we can really enjoy being outdoors and connecting with nature as much as possible.
I am also hosting four, unique 2-day long trainings in shamanic healing and sound healing practices:
Soul Retrieval Shamanic Healing Workshop
Monday 3rd - Tuesday 4th February, 2025
Our year begins with a Soul Retrieval 2-day workshop.
This workshop is your chance to repair your soul’s wounds, feel healed and whole again, and awaken your unique gifts.
If you are a therapist, you may also appreciate learning how to integrate these shamanic methods into your healing tool kit.
Shamanic Drum and Crystal Healing 2-Day Workshop
Monday 19th - Tuesday 20th May, 2025
Our Next 2-day training is Shamanic Drum and Crystal Healing.
Working with the most ancient of all healing instruments, teaching you how to use a shamanic frame drum and crystals for shamanic journeys, profound healing and awakening spiritual consciousness.
Extraction and Illumination Shamanic Healing 2-Day Workshop
Monday 16th - Tuesday 17th June, 2025.
The 3rd and perhaps most epic of these 2-day training is Mayan the art of Extraction and Illumination.
During this course, you will learn to identify and extract intrusive energies from your body, home and life patterns. Whether emotional burdens or attached entities, discover how to release these energies, promoting inner harmony and well-being. Clear ancestral imprints and promote deep healing through the illumination ceremony.
By replacing heavy energy with healing light, you create space for new narratives of health and vitality.
Gongs and Shamanic Sound Healing 2-day Workshop
Monday 29th - Tuesday 30th September, 2025
Our final 2-day training this year is in Gong and Shamanic Sound Healing.
Discover how to harness the power of Gong in shamanic practices, from cleansing energy to facilitating altered states of consciousness for visionary experiences.
Learn how to infuse your sound healing sessions with a shamanic ceremony, amplifying the healing energy channelled through the Gong.
Explore complementary shamanic instruments like rattles, native american flutes, singing bowls, rain sticks, and chimes.
If you have questions, please reach out, it often helps to talk things through before committing to any potential path.
I look forward to our collective adventures together and a happier healthier year ahead.
Let’s heal our world, one heart at a time, beginning with our own!
Sorrell, Plant Spirit Medicine Woman