Journey to The Upper Realms to Meet your Spirit Guide

This August New Moon we will Journey with Gongs and Cacao (optional). I will guide you through the veil into the spirit realm of the upper world, where we will call upon our spirit guides.

The upper realm is a place of pure light and pure love. It is a place where we can meet our spirit guides, our higher self and spiritual soul group to which we are connected in life between lives. They are always watching over us and protecting us, offering us guidance, wisdom, love and healing.

But we often don't notice their invisible presence energy as we walk unconsciously through our daily lives. Our task as we journey together is to awaken to this parallel dimension, to open up to receiving their guidance and wisdom, healing and a feeling of deep connection to spiritual bliss that resides in this high vibrational space.

We do this by journeying together, with my words, I guide you on a meditation which will lead you to the upper realm and invite you to connect to your guides and higher self. The gongs and cacao will enhance your shamanic brain in its ability to connect deeply into different levels of awareness, going from Beta consciousness, through to alpha, delta and theta, the day-dream states where we are still awake yet able to vision as if in a dream. To awaken and to see with your shamanic brain what is all around us all the time, yet invisible to most of us with our eyes open. And of course, I will guide you home again, so you can integrate the experience and bring home the gifts and wisdom to your everyday reality.



Journey to meet Bear Spirit


Journey to meet Mama Earth