Let’sTalk Cacao

I’ve been deeply immersed in the world of ceremonial cacao for over seven years. My love for this sacred plant medicine only deepens with time. Witnessing its transformative power to open hearts, connect us to spirit, and heal lives is incredibly rewarding.

In response to the growing interest in cacao as a tool for personal growth, I launched my Cacao Spirit Medicine training course three years ago. The positive feedback and results from my students have been truly inspiring.

In this blog series, I'll share insights into the course, the magic of cacao, and the potential to become a Cacaoista. I’m excited to announce that I’ll be hosting another training course this October. Places are limited to ensure you receive personalised attention. To make this transformative journey accessible to all, we’ve introduced a new payment plan. Secure your spot with a small deposit and enjoy the flexibility of weekly payments. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your connection to cacao and unlock your potential as a Cacaoista.

Let's explore together how Mama Cacao can help us all thrive.

Week 1 - Cacaoista in Training: Preparation & Manifestation

Welcome to the Journey!

We're thrilled to embark on this 8-week cacao training adventure together, with a bonus 9th week of magical content thrown in for good measure! Our goal is to empower you to become confident to host your own unique cacao ceremonies, ready to share the heart-opening wonders of cacao with the world.

Let's dive into Week 1, where we lay the foundation for our transformation.

Becoming a Cacaoista: What Does It Mean?

A Cacaoista is more than just someone who prepares a delicious cup of cacao. It's a sacred role, a custodian of ancient wisdom, and a facilitator of transformation. To embody this role, you'll need to cultivate:

  • Deep connection to cacao: Understanding its history, properties, and energetic qualities.

  • Spiritual awareness: Honing your intuition and connecting with your higher self.

  • Facilitator skills: Creating safe and nurturing spaces for others to journey within.

  • Business acumen: Building a sustainable practice that aligns with your values.

Shamanic Self-Care: Nourishing Your Soul

Before we dive deep into the world of cacao, let's prioritise self-care. Shamanic self-care is about tending to your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It's the foundation upon which your cacao journey will flourish. We'll explore practices to:

  • Ground and center your energy: Connecting with the Earth and finding your balance.

  • Clear energetic blockages: Letting go of what no longer serves you.

  • Cultivate emotional resilience: Building inner strength and compassion.

  • Nourish your body: Supporting optimal health and vitality.

The Golden Book: Creating Your Reality

Have you ever dreamed of manifesting your desires? The Golden Book is a shamanic tool for creation. We'll learn how to harness the power of intention and visualization to bring your dreams to life. This week, you'll start creating your Cacaoista vision with clarity, using the Golden Book practice.

Unlocking Your Manifestation Power

Manifestation is a skill that can be learned and mastered. We'll explore techniques like:

  • Setting clear intentions: Defining your goals and desires.

  • Visualising success: Creating mental images of your desired outcome.

  • Raising your vibration: Aligning your energy with abundance and positivity.

  • Taking inspired action: Stepping into your power and making it happen.

This is just the beginning of our incredible journey. Next we'll delve deeper into the heart of cacao and its history.

Are you excited to start your Cacaoista journey? Share your thoughts and intentions in the comments below!

Week 2 - Cacaoista in Training: Energy Cleansing Practices

One we’ve laid the groundwork for our Cacaoista journey, focusing on self-care and manifestation. This week, we delve into the essential practice of energy cleansing. As Cacaoistas, we'll be working closely with people and creating sacred spaces, making energy clearing a vital skill.

Cleansing Energy: A Foundation for Healing

Understanding how to cleanse the energy of a person, a group, and a space is fundamental to our role as Cacaoistas. It's about creating a clean slate for healing, growth, and connection. We'll explore various techniques and tools to effectively clear away stagnant energy and invite in positive vibrations.

Mayan Wisdom: Energy and Spirituality

The Mayan culture had a profound understanding of energy and its impact on human experience. They believed in the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of maintaining energetic balance. We'll explore Mayan perspectives on energy to gain a deeper appreciation for this ancient wisdom.

Creating a Group Energy Connection

We will learn how to establish a strong group energy connection. We'll learn a Q’ero shamanic exercise to foster a collective energy field, to empower our collective energy work.

Tools of the Trade: Herbs, Feathers, Rattles, and Imagination

We'll introduce you to a variety of tools traditionally used for energy cleansing:

  • Herbs: Known for their purifying properties, herbs like sage, copal, and palo santo are powerful spiritual cleansing agents. Discover the properties of each herb, and how to use their cleansing power to suit any situation. 

  • Feathers: Symbolising freedom and lightness, feathers can be used to gently brush away negative energy. As with herbs, different birds have different medicinal qualities. We will explore the power of feather medicine and how to find the right feather.

  • Rattles: The sound of a rattle can disrupt stagnant energy and create a clear space to receive the medicine of Mama Cacao. Other shamanic instruments will be explored too, including shamanic drums and our voices. 

  • Imagination: Our most potent tool, imagination allows us to visualise energy shifting and transforming. I will teach you a Q’ero Shamn’s way to clear energy using nothing but your intention and your body.

Through our guided practice session and personal experimentation, you'll discover which tools serve you best, and how to effectively combine these tools to create a comprehensive cleansing ritual.

What are your thoughts on energy cleansing? Have you used any of these tools before? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Week 3 - Cacaoista in Training: The Medicine Wheel

This week, we delve into the spiritual power of the Mayan Medicine Wheel. This ancient symbol represents the interconnectedness of all things and provides a framework for understanding our place in the universe.

The 7 Directions: A Compass for the Soul

Traditionally, the Medicine Wheel is divided into four directions on our Earth plane: East, South, West, and North. And a further three directions to connect with the spirit realms, incorporating the above, below, and within. Each direction carries specific energies and teachings that can guide us on our spiritual path.

  • East: The fire element, sunrise, and spiritual awakening.

  • South: The water element, creativity, growth and personal power.

  • West: The earth element, gratitude, transformation, and introspection.

  • North: The air element, strength, retreat, reflection and inner peace.

  • Above: Connection to the spiritual realm, intuition, and divine guidance, including the angelic beings. Father sky, Grandmother moon, Grandfather Sun and the Stars.

  • Below: Grounding and connection to Earth spirit allies, faeries, plants, animals, mushrooms, nature beings and Mama Earth.

  • Within: The centre of the wheel, representing the self, heart, and spirit.

The Medicine Wheel Ceremony: A Sacred Space

Opening a ceremony with a Medicine Wheel invocation creates a powerful container for healing and transformation. We'll explore the steps involved in setting up a sacred space, calling in the directions, and setting intentions for the gathering.

Personalising the Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel is a personal journey. We'll guide you in exploring the meanings of the seven directions in relation to your own life. By connecting with the energies of each direction, you'll gain deeper insights into your strengths, challenges, and spiritual path.

Closing the Circle

Just as important as opening sacred space is closing it with gratitude and respect. We'll learn a closing ceremony to release the energies and bring the circle to a harmonious end.

By understanding and working with the Mayan Medicine Wheel, you'll develop a deeper connection to yourself, nature, and the spiritual realm. This knowledge will be invaluable as you step into your role as a Cacaoista, creating sacred spaces for others to journey within.

How do you connect with the directions? Do you have a favourite direction or element? Do you work with a Celtic or North American Medicine Wheel? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Week 4 - Cacaoista in Training: Preparing Ceremonial Cacao & Initiation

We've laid the groundwork, explored energy cleansing, and delved into the Medicine Wheel. Now, it's time to immerse ourselves in the heart of our journey: preparing ceremonial cacao.

The Art of Cacao Preparation

Preparing cacao for a ceremony is a sacred act. We'll explore traditional Mayan methods and modern adaptations to create a brew that is both potent and delicious. You'll learn the nuances of crafting a ceremonial elixir as we delve into the energetic aspect of preparation. Setting intentions, infusing the cacao with love, and creating a sacred space for the brewing process are essential elements of this sacred ritual.

The Three Layers of Reality

To deepen our understanding of cacao's transformative power, we'll explore the concept of the three layers of reality: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Cacao can facilitate our spiritual awakening, and help us traverse the bridge between these realms, allowing us to access deeper levels of consciousness and healing. 

Initiation into Cacaoista Service

This week culminates in a powerful initiation ceremony, where you'll formally commit to your role as a Cacaoista. This is a sacred moment to honour Mama Cacao, receive blessings, and solidify your intention to serve others through the heart-opening properties of this sacred plant medicine.

As a Cacaoista, you'll be a steward of this ancient wisdom, sharing its gifts with the world. Your journey is about to take a profound turn as you step into your role as a facilitator of transformation.

Are you ready to embrace the sacredness of cacao preparation and commit to your path as a Cacaoista? Share your excitement and intentions in the comments below.

Week 5 - Cacaoista in Training: Sound Medicine & Guided Journeys

This week, we explore the powerful world of sound medicine and guided journeys.

Sound as a Healing Modality

Sound has the ability to deeply impact our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Instruments like drums, gongs, and singing bowls have been used for centuries to facilitate healing and transformation. We'll explore the science and spirituality behind sound therapy and how it can be integrated into cacao ceremonies.

The Rhythmic Power of the Drum

The drum is a primal instrument that connects us with the heartbeat of the Earth. We'll delve into the art of shamanic drumming, exploring techniques to create rhythm, build energy, and induce altered states of consciousness. You'll learn how to use the drum to facilitate group energy and support individual journeys.

The Harmonious Vibrations of Gongs and Singing Bowls

Gongs and singing bowls produce rich, sustained tones that can create deep relaxation and promote inner peace. We'll explore the healing properties of these instruments and how to use them to create a sound bath experience. You'll learn how to combine gongs and singing bowls with other instruments for a transformative sound journey.

Music as Medicine

Beyond drums, gongs, and singing bowls, music plays a vital role in healing and transformation. We'll discuss the importance of creating playlists for cacao ceremonies and how to select music that supports the desired energy and intention.

The Art of Guided Journeys

As a Cacaoista, you may wish to facilitate the spiritual awakening of your cacao ceremony participants and learn how to guide others on an inner journeys. We'll explore techniques for creating safe and supportive spaces for exploration. You'll learn how to set intentions, use imagery and language, and provide grounding and integration practices.

By mastering the art of sound medicine and guided journeys, you'll enhance your ability to facilitate profound experiences for your participants. Sound and intention combined with cacao create a potent formula for healing and transformation.

Are you ready to explore the world of sound and embark on your journey as a guide? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Week 6 - Cacaoista in Training: Science, Awakening & Integration

This week, we bridge the gap between science and spirituality, exploring the multifaceted nature of cacao and its impact on our being.

Cacao: A Marriage of Science and Spirit

Cacao has captured the attention of both scientists and spiritual seekers. We'll delve into the latest research on cacao's effects on the brain, heart, and overall well-being. From its antioxidant properties to its potential mood-enhancing qualities, we'll explore the scientific evidence supporting cacao's benefits.

At the same time, we'll honour the ancient wisdom and spiritual traditions surrounding cacao. By weaving together science and spirit, we gain a deeper appreciation for this remarkable plant medicine.

Awakening the Third Eye

Cacao is often associated with opening the third eye, the energy centre linked to intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. We'll explore techniques and practices to stimulate this energy centre and enhance your connection to the spiritual realm.

Integrating Spiritual Experiences

Integrating profound experiences into daily life is essential for lasting transformation. We'll discuss strategies for grounding, anchoring, and embodying the wisdom gained during cacao ceremonies. Journaling, meditation, and nature connection are just a few of the tools we'll explore.

By understanding both the scientific and spiritual dimensions of cacao, you'll be equipped to share this knowledge with others and guide them on their own journeys of discovery.

As we approach the final weeks of our training, it's important to reflect on your personal growth and the impact cacao has had on your life. Share your insights and experiences in the comments below.

Week 7 - Cacaoista in Training: Safety, Sustainability, and Style

As we near the end of our Cacaoista training, it's essential to address the practical aspects of our work. This week, we'll focus on health and safety, the importance of sustainable practices, and discovering your unique ceremonial style.

Safety First: Protecting Yourself and Your Clients

While cacao is generally safe for consumption, there are specific circumstances where it should be avoided. We'll discuss potential health risks, contraindications, and how to identify individuals who may not be suitable for cacao ceremonies. 

Creating a safe and inclusive environment is paramount. We'll cover essential first aid knowledge, emergency procedures, and how to handle potential allergic reactions or adverse effects. Plus how to include everyone - even if they can’t enjoy the cacao, as occasionally happens, usually for medical reasons.

Cacao Farming: Honouring the Source

Understanding the journey of cacao from bean to bar is crucial for a deep appreciation of this sacred plant. We'll explore traditional farming methods, the importance of sustainability, and the impact of fair trade practices. By supporting ethical cacao farming, we contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and the well-being of cacao farmers.

Finding Your Cacaoista Voice

Your unique perspective, prior experience and education, and intentions shape your ceremonial style. We'll encourage you to experiment with different approaches, such as music, breathwork and guided meditations. Discovering your authentic voice as a Cacaoista allows you to create ceremonies that resonate deeply with your clients.

As you embark on your Cacaoista journey, remember that continuous learning and adaptation are key. Stay curious, open-minded, and committed to your growth as a facilitator of transformation.

In the final week, we'll come together for a virtual retreat to share our experiences, offer support, and celebrate our collective journey.

What aspects of safety, sustainability, or style are you most excited to explore? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Week 8 - Stepping into Your Cacaoista Power

We've come full circle on our Cacaoista journey. This final week is dedicated to celebration, collaboration, and empowerment.

A Collective Celebration

We come together as a community to share our unique styles and insights. Each of our Cacaoista collective will have the opportunity to lead a short 10 minute segment of our celebration cacao ceremony, showcasing your individual approach to facilitation. This is a chance to inspire and learn from one another.

Together, we'll create a powerful group ceremony, drawing on the collective wisdom and energy of the group. This shared experience will be a testament to our growth and connection.

Certification and Beyond

Completing this 8-week training is a significant milestone. As a token of your dedication and accomplishment, you will receive a certificate certifying you as a Cacaoista. This certification acknowledges your knowledge, skills, and commitment to serving others through the power of cacao.

Remember, your journey as a Cacaoista is just beginning. This training has equipped you with the tools and knowledge to facilitate transformative experiences. Now it's time to step into your power and share your gifts with the world. There is an opportunity at this stage to continue working with Plant Spirit Medicine Woman as a mentor, should you wish to develop further, and qualify for professional insurance.

Whatever path you choose next, we invite you to continue to connect with your fellow Cacaoistas through our private Whatsapp group, support each other, and seek out opportunities for growth and learning. Together, we can create a world where cacao is celebrated as a catalyst for healing, connection, and spiritual awakening. We are excited to witness the beautiful work you will do in the world. 

Bonus Session: Taking Your Cacao Ceremony Online

On completing your Cacaoista training, to further equip you for success, let's dive into the technical aspects of bringing your ceremonies online. 

Mastering Online Cacao Ceremonies

The digital age offers unprecedented opportunities to share the magic of cacao with a global audience. This bonus session will equip you with the essential skills to create, record, edit, and broadcast your online cacao ceremonies.

Capturing Sound: Gongs and Drums

High-quality audio is crucial for an immersive online experience. We'll explore:

  • Microphone selection: Choosing the right microphone for your instruments and space.

  • Microphone placement: Optimising sound capture for gongs, drums, and your voice.

  • Soundproofing: Reducing unwanted noise for a clearer audio experience.

  • Audio editing software: Basic editing techniques to enhance sound quality.

Choosing Your Platform

Several platforms can host your online cacao ceremonies. We'll compare:

  • YouTube: Reach a wide audience, but consider live chat limitations.

  • Facebook Live: Strong community engagement but technical constraints.

  • Zoom: Interactive features like breakout rooms and screen sharing.

  • Other platforms: Explore options like Instagram Live, TikTok, or dedicated webinar platforms.

Creating an Engaging Online Experience

To make your online ceremonies as impactful as in-person gatherings, we'll discuss:

  • Camera setup: Creating a visually appealing and inviting space.

  • Lighting: Optimising lighting for clear video quality.

  • Internet connection: Ensuring a stable connection for smooth broadcasts.

  • Interactive elements: Incorporating live chat, Q&A sessions, and audience participation.

By the end of this session, you'll have a solid foundation for creating engaging and professional online cacao ceremonies. Remember, practice makes perfect, so experiment with different setups and platforms to find what works best for you.

Are you ready to take your Cacaoista practice to the next level? Let's dive in!

Begin Your Cacaoista Adventure with the only Certified, Insurable, Live & Interactive Cacaoista Training Course

Starts October 2024

Payment Plan Available.


Energising Cacao Buzz Balls


Gong Healing: A Journey of Sound and Transformation