Sound Healing: How It Changes Consciousness and the Power of Gong

I have always been fascinated by the power of sound to heal and transform. My first experience with the power of sound was as a young girl going to Church once a week to sing my heart out with devotional songs. I don’t think I really listened to the words. I never identified as a Christian; it was more about the energy of the experience, the love, the devotion to some higher power, and the community connection as we all sang in union. Now, if I want to have the same kind of experience that will lead me into this higher state of connection and consciousness, I play my shamanic drums, gongs, and other sound healing instruments. They can shift my consciousness into the most blissful states and experience the same sense of divine connection without the dogma of religion. it offers me a pure sense of the union with the light, with source energy.

Sound is a fundamental aspect of the universe; it is quite simply a vibration, and it is present in all things, from the smallest atom to the largest star. When we connect with sound, we can tap into its power to heal (or harm) our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

Sound healing is an age-old practice, harnessing the power of sound to promote healing and well-being. This practice is rooted in the understanding that sound can profoundly influence our physical, emotional, and mental states. Intriguing research is currently exploring the potential of sound to interact with our DNA. Some studies suggest that specific frequencies can positively impact gene expression, potentially influencing cellular function and repair. While these findings are preliminary and require further investigation, they offer a fascinating glimpse into the potential of sound to directly affect our biological makeup.

Sound healing has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing a range of conditions, including stress, anxiety, depression, pain management, and insomnia. Different modalities, such as singing bowls, tuning forks, and chanting, utilize specific frequencies and vibrations to induce relaxation, reduce tension, and promote a sense of balance. The underlying mechanisms may involve the entrainment of brainwaves to specific frequencies, the release of endorphins, or the stimulation of the vagus nerve, all of which contribute to a sense of calm and well-being.

In my experience, good quality Gongs are one of the most powerful tools used in sound healing. They produce a wide range of frequencies that can penetrate deep into the body to promote healing. Gongs can also be used to enhance a meditative state, helping us to connect with our inner selves. As the monkey mind quietens, a deeper awareness of self naturally arises. 

I always use gongs in my sound healing sessions, often very gently, more like a singing bowl in volume. Creating ripples of healing sound waves that are particularly effective at helping people to relax and release stress. Gongs can also be used to clear negative energy, negative thoughts and feelings and promote positive emotions as we realign. The healing vibrations of sound shake us up and shift us into more blissful, connected states of consciousness. My clients and the participants at my cacao and gong ceremonies commonly experience magical, transcendental states where they sense their ancestors, a spirit animal or an angelic being present with them. A deep sensation of love, connection and divine protection flowed through them. 

In addition to gongs, I also use other instruments in my sound healing sessions, such as singing bowls, native american flutes, percussion and shamanic drums. I also love to incorporate plant medicines in my 1-2-1 sessions. We most often work with the plant medicines cacao, blue lotus, and mugwort. In my group cacao & sound healing work, I find the flower essences often want to be incorporated, helping to shift the receiver in subtle ways depending on the collective intentions for healing, which I align with astrological interpretations of the moon cycles. 

Cacao is a heart-opening medicine that can help us to connect with our emotions and empower us to live from our hearts. Blue lotus is a calming medicine that can help us to relax and de-stress, also a wonderful sleep aid. Mugwort is a visionary medicine that can help us to connect with our intuition and clear out negative thoughts that are holding us back. 

I believe that sound healing is a powerful tool that can be used to promote healing and well-being. When combined with plant medicines, sound healing can be even more transformative, as together they infuse into every cell of our bodies, every corner of our minds, to cleanse and heal on every level. 

Here are some of the benefits of sound healing:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Improves sleep

  • Reduces pain

  • Boosts mood

  • Increases energy levels

  • Promotes relaxation

  • Enhances creativity

  • Connects you with your intuition, sometimes activating the third eye

Working with Sound Healing - Finding a Qualified Sound Healer.

If you are interested in experiencing sound healing, I recommend finding a qualified practitioner. There has been a rise in popularity of this healing modality in recent years, which in itself is a wonderful thing. But as sound healing is unregulated, and anyone can set up as a sound healer, quite a few people are offering Sound healing without adequate, if any, training as a part of this new wave fashion in healing. I therefore recommend that you are careful who you let shake you up, and find a practitioner with a qualification in sound healing. 

If you can attend a live event, that will be by far the best quality experience you can get. I offer regular small group sessions in my Margate Sound Healing Space, each new moon and full moon. Plus 1-2-1 personalised sessions, which you can book at any time of the moon. You can also find my FREE resources online on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL, with guided meditations and cacao and sound healing recordings. 

Here are some additional tips for working with sound healing as a recording:

  • Find a quiet place where you can relax and focus on the sound.

  • Listen to the sound through your best headphones or speakers if working with a recording rather than at a live event with an open mind and heart.

  • Allow the sound to wash over you; imagine the vibrations cleansing your mind and the healing energies penetrating every cell of your body.

  • Focus on your breath and allow yourself to relax.

  • You may experience a variety of sensations, such as tingling, warmth, or coolness. These sensations are normal and are a sign that the sound is working.

  • After the sound healing session, you may wish to journal about your experiences to help integrate and make sense of any images, messages or sensations that arose.

  • And remember, if you feel any discomfort, you can stop listening to the sound, but if you are working with a professional, you can trust and expect the energy to move through and be released, usually after just a few minutes. 

I hope this blog post has helped you to understand more about the power of sound healing. If you would like to experience sound healing, you can book a 1-2-1, join a group moon cacao & gong healing ceremony, or check out the YOUTUBE channel for some free healing! 

About the Author: I am Plant Spirit Medicine Woman. I am a Shamanic healer and Teacher, a qualified Medical Herbalist and Sound Healing Practitioner, specialising in Gong Healing. I love to integrate sound and plant medicines into my Shamanic healing practice because I love to see the powerful healing shifts these modalities offer. I am passionate about helping people to heal and transform their lives.. I offer 1-2-1 and group sound healing sessions, cacao ceremonies, and other plant medicine ceremonies. I also offer workshops and retreats on sound healing and plant medicine.

Contact me today to learn more about my services. I hope this blog post is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Reindeer and Rosewood Shamanic Drum Birthing

20 - 21st March 2025. Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, Margate, Kent

Shamanic Drum and Crystal Healing Workshop

19 - 20th May 2025. Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, Margate, Kent

Gongs and Shamanic Sound Healing 2-day Workshop

29-30th Septemeber 2025. Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, Margate, Kent.


The Heartbeat of Healing: Shamanic Drumming


The Love Hormone & Cacao: The Perfect Valentine's Day Combo