Meet the Spirit of Snake

Let mama Snake help you release what no longer serves you, and teach you how to live more closely to nature, and walk softly upon the Earth. 

Cacao ceremony is an ancient Mayan shamanic practice, where we gather together in ceremony to drink ceremonial cacao. 

With Sorrell's assistance, we develop our ability to create blissful trance states for our healing and spiritual awakening. 

We work with the New Moon energy to deepen our practice. 

Each ceremony is unique, crafted by Sorrell by working in ceremony with Mama Cacao before each event, to bring us the most perfectly attuned healing and joyful experience possible. 

No previous experience of shamanic journeying or cacao ceremony is required to join these events, just an open heart and mind. Sorrell loves introducing the art and science of this healing practice to newcomers.


Meet the Spirit of Hummingbird