Meet the Spirit of Hummingbird

Hummingbird connects us with ancient wisdom, ancient memories and the invisible ones who have stepped out of time but still whisper to use on the winds, helping us to remember the ancient ways, the path they laid out for us, and who we came to Earth to become. 

Hummingbird represents change, evolution, and growth. Hummingbird drinks only nectar, the sweetest fluid produced by flowers, and is the only one of the archetypes that do not feed on dead animals. So she teaches us to feed on possibility, the nectar of life. 

She teaches us that we are limitless, it helps us to expand our perception, to make the impossible possible in our lives. It is a representation of the courage required to take the first step on an epic journey. Hummingbirds migrate from Brazil to Canada every year, these tiny birds are a perfect representation of what it takes to go where we are called and to trust that we will arrive one day, even though we cannot see the whole path ahead, trust our instincts to be guided to our destination, to trust and fly. 

When you do not feel not have enough time, money, or knowledge to get to manifest your desires, call on Hummingbird to empower you, bring you the courage to embark on the journey anyway, and trust your instincts will carry you there. 

Cacao ceremony offers us the opportunity to connect more deeply with ourselves and open our hearts to refuel with love, rest, and healing. Cacao can be used as a medicine for personal or spiritual development and to improve physical health too. After the ceremony, Sorrell also offers her expert guidance in leading us through the healing visions we receive when in ceremony with Cacao. And provides a safe space for individual and group healing within the setting of our sacred space, allowing the deep healing experience to be explored at its most profound level. 

Sorrell’s ceremonies are held in a traditional shamanic style following the teachings she has gained through her 25 years of training with Herbalists and Shamans from across the globe in the art and science of Medical Herbalism, Plant Spirit Medicine, Shamanic Healing and Sacred Cacao Ceremony. Sorrell has been trained more specifically by Guatemalan, Ecuadorian, Peruvian and Native North American - Lakota & Basque traditional medicine men and women.


Journey to meet the Sun


Meet the Spirit of Snake