Journey to meet the Sun

In this Cacao Ceremony and Guided drum meditation, I am holding space for you from the local beach, with my shamanic drum to guide you into a blissful state of consciousness and carry you on a journey into space, to the heart of our Grandfather Sun (as I like to call them). Let us thank our dear grandfather for the life they gift us, and ask for healing, to burn away anything which no longer serves us and bring in light to lift our vibration to higher states of consciousness that will ripple out into our reality to heal all our lives.

This June New moon is a week after our Summer Solstice here in the Northern hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere. With this planetary alignment in mind, we will journey together to connect to the high vibrational healing energy of the sun. This Sun makes it possible for us to live here on Earth, the most beautiful planet! This Sun is often called Father or Grandfather by Indigenous folk, sometimes Mother and Grandmother in some places, a benevolent but fierce parent whichever sex you choose to align with it.

We can heal our world, one heart at a time - let us begin with our own.

Cacao ceremony is an ancient Mayan shamanic practice, where we gather together in ceremony to drink ceremonial cacao, and with Sorrell's assistance, we develop our ability to create blissful trance states for our healing and spiritual awakening. During our online events, we use techniques like deep meditation, guided shamanic journeying and breathwork to facilitate the deepening of our trance states. Each ceremony is unique, crafted by Sorrell by working in ceremony with Mama Cacao prior to each event, to bring us the most perfectly attuned healing and joyful experience possible.

No previous experience of shamanic journeying or cacao ceremony is required to join these events, just an open heart and mind. In fact, Sorrell loves introducing the art and science of this healing practice to newcomers. For the more experienced individual, Sorrell and Mama Cacao are able to help you go deeper and further on your journey on your spiritual healing journey. Our intention is to help you experience physical and emotional healing, connection to spiritual bliss, to receive wisdom teachings from your spirit guides and assist your personal evolutionary path into wholeness.



Journey to meet Mama Earth


Meet the Spirit of Hummingbird