
Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace

Journey to meet Mama Earth

This July New Moon we will Journey with Gongs and Cacao to discover our power animal, who will become our shamanic guide to the lower realms. We continue our journey, guided by our power animal, deep within the lower realm landscape to connect with Mother Earth, for clarity about our path here as Earthlings, for shamanic visions and healing.

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Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace

Journey to meet the Sun

In this Cacao Ceremony and Guided drum meditation, I am holding space for you from the local beach, with my shamanic drum to guide you into a blissful state of consciousness and carry you on a journey into space, to the heart of our Grandfather Sun (as I like to call them).

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